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2021.11.19 02:50


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How to Fix a Mouse That Won't ScrollIf you have a mouse that doesn't scroll click the link below. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and head over to our contact form. You can tell us all about your problem and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a solution. How to Fix a Mouse That Won't Scroll

How to Fix a Dead Computer Mouseif your computer mouse won't work follow this link and we will explain how to fix it so you can get back to work on your PC. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and head over to our contact form. You can tell us all about your problem and we will get back to you as soon as possible with a solution. How to Fix a Dead Computer Mouse

How to Fix a Mouse That Won't Scroll (recommended) (recommended)1. Open up the mouse by pressing the left and right sides of the mouse under the palm rest until you hear a click. If there is no fix please give us an email about your problem and we will help you. 2. Search on google for "fix mouses that doesn't scroll without warranty". 3. Click on download link below. 4. Save to your desktop or inside a zip file. 5. Double-click the fix-it.exe file and let the fix it wizard run. 6. Follow the Wizard for step by step instructions on how to use the fix-it.exe Repair utility program to repair your mouse if it is broken or non functioning properly with a broken switch or a loose cable that is not connected properly on a cable that was not connected properly at all, etc.. You will have the option of allowing the mouse to heal itself over time with just a little bit of routine use, or you can leave it at "fix it" and have us do an automatic configuration for you.. 7. After the automatic configuration is finished, let it heal for about an hour, if you do not feel like waiting, go ahead and finish the job. 8. If the mouse was fixed, it will work like new or like it used to work before you had any problems with your mouse. 9.


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