_BEST_ Smurfs - The Lost Village Avi X264 Video Free Mp4 Torrents

Smurfs - The Lost Village (English) Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent
BaBa, Bada, Smurfette, Grouchy Smurf. It was the story of five children who lived in a forest called The Lost Village. One day they found an old mansion and decided to move inside to make it their home. They found the house was old but it had lots of furniture. The five Smurfs discovered that the house was once inhabited by humans before. They also saw lots of books in different topics. Unfortunately, the books were all blank. Every time one of them tried to read, they could not understand its meaning or even see images on it even though they were visible to the other four adventurers.The adventure began when Bada Smurf found a strange box with moving clockwork inside it before he went for a walk around the village with his bird friend, Flappy. While they were out, the other four Smurfs, BaBa, Bada, Smurfette and Grouchy, decided to explore the house. When they opened a door to one of the rooms in the house, a huge green mist came out. The mist began transforming everything around it into plants. What was once furniture was now plants. The plants grew so big that they started covering up everything including the other Smurfs.Grouchy was the only one left alone in this mysterious mansion. He went looking for his friends but he couldn't find them anywhere even though he searched everywhere for them. Grouchy then found an old book on one of the tables that was not yet turned into a plant. He opened the book and read it. He then found out that the book was about how to destroy this green mist.With the knowledge of how to defeat the mysterious green mist, Grouchy Smurf went outside to find Flappy, his bird friend. When he found him, Flappy began flying around the village looking for his master. He started finding plants hidden inside bushes and trees. He noticed that these plants were melting each time they touched water. This discovery shocked Flappy so much that he kept quiet until he reached his master's side, then he told Grouchy about what happened to him earlier on when he was flying around. Grouchy and Flappy went to a well filled with water to try out their theory. They dropped a dry plant into the water and it melted. The two Smurfs then knew how to save the Lost Village. The only thing they needed now was time because there were lots of plants that now covered up everything inside the house. With hope, Grouchy and Flappy headed back to where they left the other Smurfs. They reached a place in between several big trees and soon saw a familiar figure walking towards them from a distance.
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