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SmartDeblur 2.2 [ENG] [Portable] Download
SmartDeblur is a software to remove the effects of image blur and camera shake, caused by shakiness of hands, camera or other reasons. It’s an improved version of SmartDeblur 1.2 (released in 2013) with better quality and more functions as well as changes in interface and optimization for modern processors. New algorithm allows for this program to run 4-5 times faster than its predecessor on the same PC platform!SmartDeblur is a free software that can be used without any restrictions and costs and does not contain any malicious code (viruses, trojans, etc). SmartDeblur is an excellent program for removing the effects of camera shake. It works best with shots taken with a digital SLR camera or similar device, but any picture can be improved by smoothing out rough edges or removing blur. Another feature found in the latest version of SmartDeblur is the ability to use multiple images to create a flash-free flash effect.SmartDeblur has three main functions:
The basic version of SmartDeblur only has one function - removing blur or "dew" from images. You can select what type of dew removal you want to apply by clicking on the adjacent arrows at the bottom of your scanned image. Then you can click the "Analyze" button to perform the dew removal operation.An advanced version of SmartDeblur also has two other functions: remove shake and create flash effect. The only difference between these functions is that in the basic version you cannot customize the operation, while in an advanced version you can customize it to your liking. You can even set up all three effects at once.
SmartDeblur is very easy to use. It doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge so anyone can benefit from its usage. The interface of this program has been developed very carefully, no superfluous elements have been incorporated, which allows for convenient usage without getting confused with unnecessary options. SmartDeblur is a tool that can make any picture look like it was taken at the film " The Wizard of Oz ". SmartDeblur 2.2 has also been improved to be even more effective at removing camera shake. You can use this program to improve your photographs after taking the picture, because the program will allow you to correct all kinds of flaws in your image. SmartDeblur allows you to remove shake in real time. Make sure your computer meets or exceed the minimum requirements listed below before downloading SmartDeblur:
http://www.askapatient.com/smartdeblur-reviews/https://kawaidevelopments. com/smartdeblur-2-0-review/http://suave9.com/smartdeblur-reviews/http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/Software/SmartDeblur_Setup.exehttps://docs.google.
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