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write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Become a Good Writer"The first step to becoming a good writer is Read, Read, Read. The more you read books that are outside of your comfort zone the better you will be able to write different types of genres. For example I am not very fond of children’s books but I’ve been reading them because it has improved my own writing for children by increasing my vocabulary and sentence structure. Reading also gives you access to new content which could give you ideas for future articles or blogs. The point is the more you read the easier it becomes for you later on in life as far as writing goes. Also make sure to log what you've read in a workbook type notebook.An author once said, “The amount of words you read are directly correlated to your ability to write.” The more interesting the book the better you will be able to write about it. The more unfamiliar content you read the better because that is what will make your work stand out from the rest of writers on social media. No one likes reading about themselves all day long, there are many ways to change that but one way is by reading books on different subjects. Also use an online search engine like Google Image Search or Amazon Images so you can find things related to writing and blogs people have written about already. That way you are building a database of content to draw from.When reading blogs or articles by authors make sure to highlight the parts that you want to remember for later. Highlighting can be done in Microsoft Word under find and edit followed by mark. Then you can click the whole thing out and copy & paste it somewhere else. Another way is to use the space bar just like how you would on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms.For finishing up an article always begin with what the title was, then the subtitle, then what it’s about then someone can go into depth about it. Practice makes perfect.When writing try to make paragraphs shorter or longer depending on your preference. If it is a really long paragraph break it up into multiple ones. Another trick is to turn off the paragraph feature in Microsoft Word all together by going to format then to paragraph then adjust the first two first two tabs on the left. Then press ctrl+shift+enter once finished writing your article or blog post. This allows you to start a new line and write something else without having to press enter and starting a new paragraph with each line of content. Also, practice using different Font types like: Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New (depending on what website or blog you are using). Also while you are typing in your article for publishing make sure to go back and edit it if it is not perfect.There are different types of content that can be made. For example, one could write about where they grew up, what was the time period when they lived there, what were the people like who lived there at the same time period, where did they go to after school or college, what was their work like when they finished school etc. There are so many things to write about that it would take forever to describe them all in an article.


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