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This is a story about a man who wanted to make friends.He typed the words "Friend request" into Facebook and to his surprise there were many people that had been invited by strangers all over the world! He accepted one, then another, then another, then someone invited him to become their friend too! Pretty soon he was overwhelmed with requests for friendship from all kinds of different people.He started getting friend requests from people he didn't know at all and some of them were kind of weird or rude. The more time he spent on Facebook the more frustrated he became. He felt like he was trapped in a strange social experiment.He became depressed and started to avoid his friends. He stopped accepting friend requests, deleted his account and stopped using Facebook altogether.It was in the year 2017 in Taiwan where this story took place. It was during the Golden Week in early April when all kinds of people in Taiwan were out traveling, eating out at restaurants, shopping along the harbor front during night time when they suddenly saw something that caught their attention. It seemed to be a crane who was flying around at high altitude controlling the traffic at the harbor front. The crane kept making random loop-the-loops above the Taipei 101 building, which is one of Taipei's tallest buildings. As the crane made loop-the-loops above Taipei 101 all kinds of people began to gather with their cameras and phones to take photos of this strange sight. There were many tourists who were there just for this purpose, but even more interesting than the tourists were the locals that simply got up early that day because they knew that it was one of those rare occasions when they could see something different in Taipei. All kinds of people took photos, videos and posted on Facebook. It was like a scene from a movie where aliens land down at the harbor front, or like something out of The Twilight Zone! People all over Taiwan had similar stories to tell about seeing this unusual sight spread online with photos and videos. People were shocked because everyone had been wondering what this was all about, but they couldn't quite figure it out. After awhile everybody forgot about the unexplained phenomenon of the crane and got back to their normal routine. For a while there were no more sightings, but a few days later another crane was seen doing some strange things in Taipei. Some people say that the first crane was there just for a few hours, then it flew away to somewhere else, and on rare occasions a third crane has been spotted at times as late as early April 2018 though its whereabouts is unknown. What is the secret behind all the strange sightings of the mysterious crane over Taiwan? Was it really some kind of alien spaceship? Was it some kind of stealth military weapon?No one knows, but there are many theories.One of them is that this is a UFO or an extraterrestrial spacecraft. Another theory claims that this is some kind of military exercise, but there isn't any official explanation for what the helicopters are doing inside Taipei city limits. Another possibility was that someone was trying to make a online video game using famous landmarks in Taipei as props to create a virtual video game world for their new video game, but no one knows who or what might have been behind this strange behavior.
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