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{NeorageX 5 4 186 ROMS}
This post is a collection of different software ROMs, boxes, and CD images for various Nintendo consoles including the NES, SNES, Game Boy Advance and much more. These files can be used to put a system into a working condition after buying a damaged console. The article also includes links to other sources of these files if they are unavailable or defunct here.This guide can help those looking to learn about how to fix their consoles as well as those that own rare or undocumented Nintendo consoles that may not have been revealed as part of the NES Classic Edition 2nd release earlier this year.
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The following file contains a list of ROMs for the Nintendo DS.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/nds-roms.jsp
The following file contains a list of ROMs for the Nintendo Wii.
Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/wii-roms.jsp
A more comprehensive collection of classic Nintendo Entertainment System games is available through an unofficial emulator called "arm7". The emulators featured in the above link are in a format called IPS, which allows them to be played on actual NES hardware.
Source for above: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/nes-roms.jsp
The following file contains a list of ROMs for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/snes-roms. jsp
The following file contains a list of ROMs for the Nintendo 64.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/n64-roms.jsp
The following file contains a collection of ROMs for the Game Boy Color.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/gbc-roms.jsp
The following file contains a collection of various ROMs for the Game Boy Advance, including NES games that were compatible with the GBA's e-Reader device, as well as various homebrew games and special builds like "Final Fantasy" and "Super Mario Bros. Deluxe" from the Game Boy Advance SP.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/gba-roms.jsp
The following file contains a collection of ROMs for the Super Famicom, also known as the Nintendo Super NES or SNES.Source: http://www.neoragex.com/add-roms/super-famicom-roms . jsp
The following file contains a collection of various ROMs for the Nintendo Entertainment System, also known as the NES, including various special builds like "Final Fantasy" and "Super Mario Bros.
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