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[Film Indonesia] Kafir: Bersekutu Dengan Setan (WEB-DL)
Kafir: Bersekutu dengan Setan (WEB-DL) merupakan film fiksi horor yang mengisahkan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dan Korps Pasukan Khusus dapat membasmi sekelompok orang asing yang terbentuk dari Pekerja Keras dan Kresta. Film ini berkisah tentang sekelompok pemerhati politik berusaha menyelidiki sebuah potensi ancaman bencana global. Dalam prosesnya, mereka dikorbankan kepada sebuah kelompok yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Ia ditemui setiap instansi pemerintahan telah mengirimkan kampanye kepada masyarakat untuk habiskan mereka. Waktu kemudian, para pengamat politik tersebut menyadari kesalahannya dan berusaha untuk memperjuangkan petualangan mereka sebagai “Kafir”. Film ini merupakan sebuah wujud tentang konflik antara berbagai bentuk kekuasaan.Story-line: The plot revolves around the plot of the plot’s plot. On the one hand there are elite character who has supernatural ability to see into someone's future by reading their palm lines. And on the other hand there is an elite character called "Kafir" (non-believers). The plot reveals than an elite group of political people try to find out an imminent danger that threatens global security. Through this process, they lost themselves to another group that is spread throughout the world. It was found out that each authority sent political campaigning to the people to kill them. Finally, the political analysts realized their mistake and try to reclaim their adventure as "Kafir"...The leads: The leads of this film are Nocola — Judi Sutanto and Erlangga — Haris Nurjadin (played by Erlangga Nurhadi).Special effects: The film has a special place with its special effects. The most common kind of effect was the green screen which can be seen in several scenes. Gong Xiufang was also using explosive body shots as well as some explosions, as well as fire set off by remote control with GoPro camera attached to it. Music:The musical score was composed by Ivan J. Ufuk. The background music is used for the scenes of the film where there are political propaganda.
The film was screened in more than eighty cities in Indonesia on 25 December 2013, with the first screening held at the Grand Theater, Jakarta on that day about 18:30 local time (17:30 CET). It then first completed its world theatrical run across various markets including Japan on 27 December 2013. The film was released in Brunei on January 2014 and Singapore on February 2014, making it the second Indonesian movie to be officially distributed overseas after "Tangerang Kidul".
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