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No introduction.Ya Allah, what have I done? I've been testing formatting codes to test formatting codes which has led to a loop of code testing. If this is the result of life as a programmer, I'll pass on this one. Please forgive me for wasting your time and for giving up on the blog post before even starting it.KAUFMAN MALLETTKAUFMAN MALLETT KAUFMAN MALLETT KAUFMAN MALLETT KAUFMAN MALLETT...WAIT A MINUTE! That's not me! This account was hacked by someone named "thugs". WHAT IS THE BIBLE?The Bible is a collection of books written by an array of people over the course of centuries. It's not really one book as such, as many books were added at various times and these came to be called books of the Bible. Most of the books were written by individual authors and upon their deaths they were included within the Bible. Over time, people began collecting copies and writing them on scrolls and codices. The Jewish people did it using the Aramaic alphabet, while the Christians used the Greek alphabet. The Bible is considered to be the most widely distributed book in human history, having been translated into 2,300+ languages and made available to 4.4 billion people all over the world. This makes it popular amongst atheists too, who are able to wave their copies of it at Christians to make them look silly.The Bible is considered by many to be a book of morality and one which so-called "intelligent" people read in order to understand how they should live their lives. The Bible calls people to work hard, support their families, respect their elders, obey their leaders, care for the poor and needy, honour the conscience of every person etc. etc. etc. These are all noble things except when they are taken literally - when they are taken literally it's impossible to make sense of them in a practical sense in terms of how you can incorporate them in your own life. It's this contradiction that allows the intelligent people who claim to read the Bible in order to learn about how they should live also turn around and refuse to show respect for those same officials who have sworn an oath of obedience and obedience only because "it says so" in their holy books. The Bible is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament was written over a span of 1,500 years by only Jewish people who only spoke Aramaic. It begins with creation and ends with Jesus' life on Earth. The New Testament was written over a span of 100 years, again by only Jewish people who spoke Aramaic. It begins with Jesus' death but picks up steam after about half way through the first century CE. There are many many many other books not included in what is called the Bible but which are invaluable to understanding what happened before and after these historical events respectively.
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