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Free Download Borland Delphi 6
You can still download Borland Delphi 6 for free today, and you don't even need to install it. You can download the file and then extract it to a new folder on your computer where you want to install the software.
Here's what you need before downloading:- A copy of Windows 8.1 or higher (but it doesn't work with any iterations prior to Vista).- An internet connection (or a CD/DVD drive and a spare USB).- Free space of 2GB on your hard disk. To make sure the software will work on your computer, go to the installation folder and click "readme". If you see a message saying "Problems accessing" the website, it means you do not have a fast enough internet connection.- Click on "readme" again after typing in your language to see if you have all of the pre-requisites installed. If there is one missing, install it before downloading Delphi 6.The license agreement for Delphi 6 can be read through here: . You must agree to these terms before downloading this file from their server. So, click on "Next" in order to install Delphi 6. After reading through the license agreement, you will get to the terms of the installation process. Choose the "Custom" option then click on "Next". Make sure your disc drive is selected and click "Next". Select all of your desired options (for example if you want to create an ISO file) and click "Next". It will take a couple minutes for the download process to begin. Once it's done downloading, extract all of the contents onto your hard disk. This can be done by right-clicking on the file (called DELPHI6_BAW_NET) and then clicking extract . You will be taken to the folder where you can find the setup.exe file. Double-click on setup.exe in order to start the installation process..
Once you complete this step, open up Windows Explorer and type "C:\\Program Files\\Borland" into the address bar. From there, open up "Delphi 6 [registered]" by double-clicking on it. If you have been following this guide from start to end then you should see a screen that looks like this:
Now that Delphi 6 has been installed, it is time to register your copy of Delphi 6 with Borland International. Go to the following URL: . Fill out the form and provide your email address and they will send you a password so that they can send you a confirmation email.
From there, it is time to install Delphi 7 for free! The process is almost exactly the same as installing Borland Delphi 6 for free, except that you need an internet connection on your computer.
Go back to the installation folder on your computer and click "Through BAW at Windows".
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