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Due to popular demand, we've extended the deadline for our essay contest. Submit your essay before August 2nd and win a $500 or $1,000 scholarship!If you need an extra push to take the time to write an essay, here are five great reasons why you should take part in our contest:-It just takes one hour of your time. It's not that much time after all!-Everyone has opinions on important topics. You can share yours too! -We want your opinion because it matters. The more opinions we hear from different perspectives, the better informed we will be as a community and as individuals too... -You might win something. There is a prize for the winner of the contest: $500 or $1,000!-We will be able to learn from your essay. We want to make our community as open as possible and we hope that by having your views on these important issues shared, we can create a better society. We've also compiled a list of frequently asked questions that will help you understand the details of the contest and what we're trying to accomplish. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask below.FAQ:What is the purpose of this contest?The purpose is to collect and display everyone's opinion on two important issues: whether or not censorship should be allowed on the internet and how we can continue developing our platform so users benefit from it as much as possible. Is my essay anonymous?Yes, you can submit your essay anonymously. There is no need to link it to your name or any other information that can identify you.What if I would like my name linked with my essay?That's fine with us. We will post links to your blog / reddit / twitter if you use one in the text of your essay. If that is not something you are comfortable with, please let us know when submitting your essay. Do I need to have a blog, twitter, reddit account to take part in the contest?No. We will be happy to post a link to your essay so other people can read it, but we don't require you to have a social media account. If you wish, feel free to create accounts so you can get a comment from us and the rest of our community on your essay.How should I write my essay?We want to receive your opinion on these important topics. If you have any questions that you would like answered before writing your essay, please contact us via email or reddit /u/dmiedit or /u/bart73090.
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