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Aribam Public Administration Pdf Download
Over the past few decades, the field of public administration has seen significant transformations. As it continues to transform, its key challenges now include how to manage emerging issues such as climate change, terrorism, and globalization.The United States' political priorities have shifted in recent years owing largely to these new global developments. Changes in policy are often quick and ambiguous, leaving many at a loss for what they should do or how they should respond to these rapidly evolving events. It is for this reason that there is greater need than ever before for public administrators who are well-versed in ethical decision making and effective leadership skills. In order to meet the challenges of the 21st century, it is essential for today's public administrators to view issues from a global perspective and to explore new ways to be effective leaders. In this regard, a career in public administration can be a worthwhile and rewarding one.Public administration has its roots in the administrative philosophy of Max Weber. According to Weber, bureaucracy is a legitimate form of governance where administrators are appointed on the basis of merit and not based on political or imperialistic appointments made by monarchs or governments that have other forms of governance other than democratic. Weber advocated that bureaucracies are based on rational thinking and that they would base their decisions on the most efficient use of resources.The rise of public administration in recent decades has been partly driven by the end of the Cold War, which led to a reduced need for government involvement in social life. Public administrators were created in order to provide services like national defense, surveillance, and transportation, but later these bureaucrats needed to defend against new threats like welfare fraud and terrorism. There are various philosophies of public administration; some believe it is an essential form of government while others believe it is an obstacle that must be eliminated. Democratic public administration is a way of organizing a political system where people have some influence on governance through voting and representation. In this form of government, individual political power is shared among the citizens. In some instances, this type of political participation can be dangerous as some citizens may abuse their power as they see fit. In some cases, the people who have been elected to positions of power have acted in ways that may or may not be up to the community's standards. For this reason, public administrators must work toward making sure that there are checks and balances in place so that those people who are elected do not abuse their positions and their power over others. Many believe that public administration has become stagnant. Some argue that this is due to the lack of understanding public administrators have for the situation they are in. These professionals must be able to critically analyze their environment or they will not be effective at their jobs, and this may lead to poor decisions being made.Public administration is commonly misunderstood by many people who believe it means "bureaucracy." While there are situations where this definition is true, the proper usage of the word refers to an agency or government staff member who can execute tasks efficiently and effectively. The other definition refers to a system in which there are nearly no checks and balances on the power of individuals in power.
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