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If you're the kind of person who's always looking for new challenges, then maybe this is right up your alley.This is a game where you have to make it past the first level alive. This is not easy since you are limited to making left or right moves on your way to the entrance at the top of the screen. Along with having enemies that are trying to kill you, there are also obstacles in your way which can be rather frustrating if they block your path or change it.Keep in mind that this game was made by one person and that is why it does not have more difficulty levels, even though players have asked for them since its release back in 2010. Stars do not appear but you still get points for completing all the levels. The game has only 10 levels and each one appears very different from the last one. This can be a little frustrating since you have to complete them in order, so it's hard to know what to expect at any given time. The good thing is that it will seem more challenging as the game progresses.This is an action-adventure game where your goal is to escape prison by solving puzzles while avoiding guards and other players who are trying to do the same thing as you.The player moves between rooms by using his/her warden's cell key which he has hidden before being arrested. There are also other players who can help you escape if they see an escape route, but they will only do so if the player gives them a hint.The game consists of ten different levels which take place in an abandoned building located somewhere in Japan. Each one is very different from the one before it and will make the player use his/her brain to find all the correct objects that he or she needs to solve each puzzle.The game has many different endings, depending on how well you solve each puzzle and how well your team works together. The good thing is that all of them are fun to watch; some players won't see them until they replay the game again after finishing it for the first time. Additionally, there are multiplayer levels which allow you to link up with other players using LAN or PlaySpan.This is a game for anyone who likes puzzles, but also wants it to be challenging at the same time. As you advance in levels, you will meet new mechanics to learn in order to make your way further. You start in the main screen where you will see what puzzles are available for that particular level and how many points will be needed to finish it. The game has four different areas (each one representing the four seasons) where different kinds of puzzles can be found. In order to complete each one, you will be required to have a certain number of points before being able to move on.This is a very long game with many different types of puzzles that you don't want to miss out on. There are three main areas inside the game but there is still a lot more outside of them, including new mechanics and mini-games that will make the player try his or her best not to die. The full version of this game has been removed from online stores since 2015.
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