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. ..#thirumana porutham book in tamil pdf 22 Jathaka Porutham is the most important calculation of astrology for Tamil people. There are many factors that are taken into consideration for this calculation, which includes the time and date of birth, and the names and birth stars of both parents. A few additional calculations like Lagnapathi (name of the first member of your family) and Pitha (unique formulae) might also be useful to make more accurate predictions for things like marriage life, career prospects as well as wealth. . A horoscope is also made based on these calculations. For this, you will need to know your birth details, age and the gender of the person concerned.#thirumana porutham book in tamil pdf 22 (1) The "Chathurangam" (14) corresponding to the "Annakaran" (1), is formed by noting down the birth time and day of month, as well as the day of the week where you were born. (2) The "Jathakaran" (15) is formed by adding up lunar months from new moon on 1st day up to new moon on 7th day on your birthday month. (3) The "Chathurangam" number is the "Pitha" number that you will have to use for any calculation. You can refer to table below for this calculation. (4) A calculation is made as per the "Jathakaran number" as per the table given below. In this case, one more calculation is made based on "Lagnapathi" ("Kolaththu Porutham") along with this Jathakaran. #thirumana porutham book in tamil pdf 22(1) The "Chathurangam" (14) corresponding to the "Annakaran" (1), is formed by noting down the birth time and day of month, as well as the day of the week where you were born.
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