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Jewel In The Palace Episode 1 Tagalog Version Full Episode
In the early 1900's, Korea was on the verge of being annexed by Japan. Lady Choi is a noblewoman from a wealthy family and has been raised with traditional values. In order to protect her children from Japanese occupation, she divorces her husband and secretively gives birth to a daughter in the countryside. Lady Choi fears for her daughter's future if she doesn't marry well since she will not recognize lineage due to her mother's decision. She decides that it is time for Jang-geum to be trained in medicine. Jang-geum is sent to Joseon where the royal's are training to become healers, she is to be trained in healing techniques under Minister Yoo. When Jang-geum arrives in Seoul, she meets an old friend, Si-sol who is still childish and stupid, but has a very high level of intelligence. Si-sol wishes to go with Jang-geum so she can show her the city, but Jang-Geum refuses to let her come with them since Si-sol doesn't want anything to do with making money. Si-sol wants something better than what Lady Choi has given her that's why she wants to join Jang-Geum in the palace. Jang-geum's father, Lee-shin is sent to the palace as well to be the royal family's cook. Jang-Geum has to go under training for six years in order to receive her diploma for becoming a royal doctor. She also has to pass an examination with the Emperor. There are many girls at the palace that are training under Minister Yoo, but Jang-Geum is better than all of them since she has come from training with Lady Choi. One day Jang-Geum shows up late, she was unable to sleep because she didn't know that there could be dogs that barked at night. She accidentally walks into the emperor's room, and he sees her standing there awkwardly. That night she dreams that she was being chased by dogs, but when she looks at her hands, there are no scratches. Not long after that incident the palace is closed off to all servants for several days because of an outbreak of the plague. The emperor is having organ organ transplants done to save lives and cannot afford to be closed off for several days. Jang-geum uses her skills as a doctor to take care of his health problems alone, despite no one knowing about the time she spent with the emperor it appears that everyone trusts Jang-Geum because of her level of responsibility. When Jang-geum's father dies, she doesn't have the heart to tell the emperor that she was indeed close to him when he was sick, so she lies and says that she was never around. The emperor believes her even though he is very suspicious when Jang-Geum tells him that his donors are being replaced by unknown people. When Jang-geum's mother comes to visit again after knowing her daughter is alive, she tries to make Jang-Geum come back with her, but Jang-geum begs her not to make her go back. When Lady Choi demands for her daughter's return, the emperor orders Minister Yoo not to let anything happen to Lady Choi.
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