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It's been a while since I've seen a single article about kids on the go! So, here is one of the best places for you and your kids to find something new and interesting on your mobile device. This website is a collection of videos from some of the most talented animators in the world, portraying stories with all kinds of people, landscapes, and characters.There are interactive animations that range from calming to creepy; dance numbers that will dance through your bones; songs you can sing along with (and even write lyrics to); and short films that tell such complex timelines in such little time that you'll feel like you're solving one great mystery. All of this content is made from some of the greatest students from the fields of animation and music, so there's a chance that you'll be taking a minute away from your busy life and meet some new friends. So sit down, relax, and let the "Big Things" take you on a journey through imagination just as they have taken us through life!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article: 2kids1sandboxvideomobileTitle:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2ks1sandboxvideomobile by Danny Walch on CodePen. https://codepen. io/dannywalch/full/ZTRCgGTitle:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2kids1sandboxvideomobile by Lizzy Mae on CodePen. https://codepen.io/lizzymae/full/VGcXCq?editors=1010Title:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2kids1sandboxvideomobile by Nathan Cook on CodePen. https://codepen. io/nathancook/full/ZFZCqR?editors=1010Title:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2kids1sandboxvideomobile by Lori Victor on CodePen. https://codepen.io/lorivictor/full/ZLdzCz?editors=1010Title:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2kids1sandboxvideomobile by Matt Diamond on CodePen. https://codepen. io/mattdiamond/full/ZGrjCCTitle:2kids1sandboxvideomobileAbout 2kids1sandboxvideomobile by Hugh Brown on Vimeo. https://vimeo.
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