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Torchat Ie7h37c4qmu5ccza
Torchat is a new free anonymous instant messenger, designed for high-capacity uses with minimal Internet usage. It is the successor of TorChat, which was shut down by McAfee in November 2013.As most Torchat users know, there are two types of Torchat users--those who send packets to the built-in chat server and those who connect directly to the destination IP. If you want to be anonymous at all times with speed, select "Direct IP" under "Connection Settings". For fast chats with low bandwidth usage using the built-in chat server, select "Direct Chat". You can also change your status from Partnered or Invisible from within this menu. Torchat is a highly modular instant messenger, and a new module can be installed in a few seconds. The following modules are currently available:
Torchat is compatible with all major instant messengers. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, some allow you to see the contact list of your friends while some hide this list from your eyes completely. If you want to add contacts from an IM service that offers its contact list to your regular buddy list, choose "Immediately connect" for this particular IM service in "Contact settings". This way, the buddy list of the respective IM service will be added to Torchat automatically when you connect a file upload or a chat session is initiated with them.
Torchat has a built-in HTTP server called Torchat Server, which allows you to share files and media with your friends and contacts, download files from various websites, and use the built-in gallery as a web-browser. These features can be disabled as desired.
Torchat is compatible with all major instant messengers. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, some allow you to see the contact list of your friends while some hide this list from your eyes completely. If you want to add contacts from an IM service that offers its contact list to your regular buddy list, choose "Immediately connect" for this particular IM service in "Contact settings". This way, the buddy list of the respective IM service will be added to Torchat automatically when you connect a file upload or a chat session is initiated with them.Torchat has a built-in HTTP server called Torchat Server, which allows you to share files and media with your friends and contacts, download files from various websites, and use the built-in gallery as a web-browser. These features can be disabled as desired.Torchat is compatible with all major instant messengers. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, some allow you to see the contact list of your friends while some hide this list from your eyes completely. If you want to add contacts from an IM service that offers its contact list to your regular buddy list, choose "Immediately connect" for this particular IM service in "Contact settings". Torchat has a built-in HTTP server called Torchat Server, which allows you to share files and media with your friends and contacts, download files from various websites, and use the built-in gallery as a web-browser. These features can be disabled as desired.
Torchat is compatible with all major instant messengers. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, some allow you to see the contact list of your friends while some hide this list from your eyes completely.
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