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How to solve PC or laptop crashing problems.##About this blog post##This blog is about how to solve PC or laptop crashing problems. There are a number of computer crashes that could happen and the following list provides some answers as to why they happen and what you can do about them. The major culprits for computer crashes are hardware, software, and viruses. It's important that you have a backup copy before formatting your hard drive because once you have formatted, it will be difficult to recover any data from the old disk if your luck expires as well as any old files/programs on the hard drive which could have been very important in the past but isn’t needed now. Please Read - General Computer Maintenance | Overheating Issues | Freezing / Crashing | Catching Errors & Warnings- Backup Your Data | Backup Your Backup - General Computer Maintenance | Memory Upgrades/Passwords - General Computer Maintenance | Startup Programs & Services- PC or Laptop Crashes or BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)- Virus Issues, Malware, Popups / Spam, Cookies, Registry Hijackers, Rogue Anti-Virus Programs - General Computer Maintenance | Antivirus Software Flaws & Remedies- Hardware Issues: Fan Problems, Graphics Card Failure & Replacement etc. - Graphics Cards | Display Cards | Motherboard Issues. - Software Issues: Adobe Reader, Flash Player, Firefox, Internet Explorer and more - General Computer Maintenance | Updating Programs | Uninstalling Programs | Anti-Virus / Antimalware Issues- Changing Default Settings (such as Privacy Settings and Internet Options) - General Computer Maintenance- How to fix a crashing computer - General Computer Maintenance | System RestoreHow To Fix Self Destructing Files & Folders by Mr Bob. List of anti-virus programs. Laptops and Desktops (Macs). See also: Suspended Windows >> SUSpendedWindowsTroubleshooting
Internet Explorer. Firefox. Flash Player.
Adobe Reader.
Vaccuum Cleaner Tool to clean your Laptop or desktop fans. Do this when the dust is beginning to build up inside the fan, this will strengthen its airflow and prolong its life span.Clean the vents of your PC with an air-can (then use a vaccum cleaner). Air flow is very important in the case of heat dissipation, thus cleaning out all dust is critical to giving your computer enough hot air flow for cooling purposes. There are a number of free programs for this purpose. 'Cleaning_Vents_of_your_Computer' on Tech Support Guy is one of the most popular options.Windows 10 updates, major Windows 8.1 updates, and major Windows 7 updates can cause problems for some users. If you have experienced any of these issues, see our article on how to stop Windows 10 from automatically updating. The report "Why Can't My Computer Update We have analyzed the latest reports about the automatic Windows update, These are coming from users who are very angry about their computers being upgraded or customized without their say so or knowledge or consent.
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