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Update Tnod Server List Tukero
Tnod updates its server list almost every day. At the moment, the following servers are up:tukero-1.tnod.at tukero-2.tnod.at tukero-3.tnod. at tukero-4.tnod.attukero-5.tnod.at tukero-6.tnod. at tukero-7.tnod.at tukero-8.tnod.attukero-9.tnod.at12/01/2017 20:03:50 AM GMT+1 update of tiru-2 12/01/2017 20:03:48 AM GMT+1 update of tiru 12/01/2017 19:03:07 PM GMT+1 update of tnkd 12/01/2017 18:09:47 PM GMT+1 update of tufta 1023 updates made since 2018-Dec-04 09h00 (local time) 424 updates at 12h00 (GMT + 1). Updates are currently done at 12h00 (GMT+1) an then at 23h00 (GMT+1). The update of all servers is then done 23h30 (GMT+2) to 24h00 (GMT+2). The server list is up to date on a monthly frequency. No downtime is currently planned.The server list is up to date on a monthly frequency. No downtime is currently planned.
End of 2018: Tnod Server List:[ARTICLE END]
Tnod aims at providing an efficient and open protocol for the location-based service provisioning of the Internet, by means of independent local servers which are run by independent companies specialized in geographically restricted services. On one hand, this allows a low cost and efficient solution for remote access to a large area network (WAN) or a WSCM (Wireless/Space-based Communications Module).
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