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PORTABLE Mp4 Gharwali Baharwali In Subtitles Mp4 4k Bluray 720p Hd

2021.11.19 08:35


Gharwali Baharwali In Dual Audio Eng Hindi

Gharwali Baharwali in dual audio eng hindi.In Urdu, Gharwali means living in a home without parents or guardians. Baharwali means homesickness to natives of shahdara, which is the old name for greater Delhi. A person who feels iyas-e-gharwali is called mahashahid or mahasatiya. The word has become so popular that it is now commonly used as an adjective to describe anyone who lives outside their hometown and misses it dearly. "I am so gharawli" people say when they are nostalgic about their childhood homes and can't wait to return home soon. This film is about how this word became so popular amongst the people.The story is based on three orphans who are born to Hukumchand Choudhary, they are Khurshid, Shamsher Singh and Yaqoob. As they have no parents, they have to struggle hard to earn their livelihood. They have a habit of gathering remains of food left by other people at restaurants after eating, consuming it the next day with the same enthusiasm as any other normal meal would be. They are very charitable souls and donate most of their income for poor people's welfare. Once they are tricked by one handicapped person who takes money from them but doesn't return it later. As they try to get their money back the handicapped person is maimed. That incident makes them realise that they have forgotten their own financial needs and become too dependent on other people who exploit them.On the other hand, Kitty Dubey has come to Delhi with Vaidya, her husband on a mission. He had met her on his previous visit which was in 1984 on 'Ashadh Ekadashi'. They are travelling around India to find the perfect place for her home since he wants to get married soon. When she finds out about 'Gharwali Baharwali' she tries to take them along with her but they couldn't do anything since they were very far away from where Kitty Dubey had found out. Kitty Dubey then meets the trio and goes on a trip with them to Chota Hazri village. They promise her that they will complete their mission to find a house there by the time she returns from her trip.In Chota Hazri, Yash Khurshid, Shamsher Singh and Yaqoob come across many obstacles during their search for a house for Kitty Dubey.As they must fulfill their promise, they try hard to get it done in the least possible time. They realize that some villagers are after some girls but they feel that it is not right to interfere with someone's personal life. They realise that whatever happens in this world happens for a reason.They help the villagers to use their earnings in a productive way. The trio feels that the villagers understand their mistakes after realising that they have wasted all their money on useless things. The trio feel satisfied only when the villagers are satisfied.They are very much against marrying girls at an early age, so when they find out about one of the villagers doing so, they prevent him from doing so. They manage to get rid of other two men who also want to marry her.They find out about the village headman's financial problems and offer help to him as he has taken loans from many people and can't repay them due to lack of resources and poverty.


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