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This is a blog post about my experience on dating sites. I think I was on Tinder for about six months, which doesn't sound like a long time, but when you consider how many people are on these dating sites it becomes impressive. It was frustrating but fascinating.I found out some things about myself and what I want in life that I would never have known otherwise. It wasn't just the dates that kept me coming back for more - it was the stories of the women who met on these sites. Some were funny, some were sad, and all of them were fascinating because they're something you won't ever hear elsewhere online or off of podcasts - real people's stories with their words telling you exactly what happened....
Even with everything that's happened to me, if I was a young girl looking for love or looking for fun at the time, I would still go on dating sites. Tinder will be a piece of my history forever, and although it didn't end well for me, I met some unforgettable women along the way.
Author: fotossandrareyesdesnudaPublisher: Year: 2017
Articles at The Huffington Post
Articles at Medium
Articles on vice. com
Interviews on Radio
Articles in
Radio Interview in Fuera de la Red (on the podcast section)
Radio Interview in Punto de Corte (on the podcast section)
Radio Interview in Rockola (of El Potrero 104 FM) (on the podcast section) com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/85168- Tinder-surprise-proposal
Huffington Post - http://www2s3d5f5bbfc4ud2y.cloudfront. net/photo/2010-06-22/1137983_orig.jpg
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