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This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size. This article will present Medal of Honor Warfighter from a technical perspective from downloading from the Sony Playstation Store to installing and playing the game to using the benchmark tool.Medal of Honor Warfighter was released to the public on October 23, 2012 and is available for a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 console. This article will also present information related to gameplay modes, maps, weapons, multiplayer mode, audio/visual effects and other aspects that make up Medal of Honor Warfighter's presentation. This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size. This article will present Medal of Honor Warfighter from a technical perspective from downloading from the Sony Playstation Store to installing and playing the game to using the benchmark tool.Medal of Honor Warfighter v1.01 was released on November 28, 2012 for Xbox 360 and Windows PCs to the public. This article will also present information related to gameplay modes, maps, weapons, multiplayer mode, audio/visual effects and other aspects that make up Medal of Honor Warfighter's presentation.This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size. This article will present Medal of Honor Warfighter from a technical perspective from downloading from the Sony Playstation Store to installing and playing the game to using the benchmark tool.Medal of Honor Warfighter v1.01 was released on December 11, 2012 for PlayStation 4 consoles to the public. This article will also present information related to gameplay modes, maps, weapons, multiplayer mode, audio/visual effects and other aspects that make up Medal of Honor Warfighter's presentation. This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size. This article will present Medal of Honor Warfighter from a technical perspective from downloading from the Sony Playstation Store to installing and playing the game to using the benchmark tool.Medal of Honor Warfighter v1.01 was released on December 12, 2012 for Xbox 360 platforms to the public. This article will also present information related to gameplay modes, maps, weapons, multiplayer mode, audio/visual effects and other aspects that make up Medal of Honor Warfighter's presentation. This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size. This article will present Medal of Honor Warfighter from a technical perspective from downloading from the Sony Playstation Store to installing and playing the game to using the benchmark tool.Medal of Honor Warfighter v1.01 was released on February 26, 2013 for Windows PC platforms to the public. This article will also present information related to gameplay modes, maps, weapons, multiplayer mode, audio/visual effects and other aspects that make up Medal of Honor Warfighter's presentation. This article is about Medal of Honor Warfighter, a first-person shooter video game. The download for this game is approximately 20 megabytes in size.
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