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No Region Loader.rar
No Region Loader.rar is a file with the .rar extension that contains pictures of various regions within Europe. The pictures are named after what region they are. For example, France is country-1 and it has three pictures, which are Paris-1, Paris-2, and Paris-3. There is also a picture of Germany called Berlin-1. Other countries have similar names for their regions as well; Spain has Barcelona for one example. This file was created by user "Gumshoe. exe" on 7 August 2005.The file can be found on the Internet Archive, which was archived by user "Gumshoe.exe" on 7 August 2005. The archive is a 227.75 MB file and includes a Pesterchum script to run the file automatically, which has been disabled by Archive administrators due to SPAM from that user, who claims to have been the creator of the file. The .rar extension, as well as its contents, can be viewed in ZIP format here:
The description of the .rar extension on Windows Explorer reads:
See also:
No Region Loader. rar is a file with the .rar extension that contains pictures of various regions within Europe. The pictures are named after what region they are. This file was created by user "Gumshoe.exe" on 7 August 2005, who also uploaded it to the Internet Archive on the same day. It can be found here:This image was used as a background for the post "Nero-tips & tricks-vacation-July 2005" at Smarter Computing. The October 2006 article "Portable NEROs - coming soon" (also by Gumshoe) reverts to this image as its background, and states that it is titled "No Region Loader". The description of the . rar extension on Windows Explorer reads:
See also:
The .rar file is an archive file that contains 15 images. The File names are in French. The images are in the following formats:The image format for each image is in parentheses. This .rar archive was created by Gumshoe on 31 March 2006, and it can be found here:The descriptions of the .rar extension on Windows Explorer reads:
See also:
A .rar file with the extension "NoRegionLoader2" was uploaded to the Internet Archive by Gumshoe.exe on 7 August 2005. The file can be found here:The description of the .rar extension on Windows Explorer reads:
See also:
The .rar file is an archive file that contains 16 images. The File names are in French. The images are in the following formats:This .rar archive was created by Gumshoe on 31 March 2006, and it can be found here:The descriptions of the .rar extension on Windows Explorer reads:
See also:
A .rar file with the extension "NoRegionLoader3" was uploaded to the Internet Archive by Gumshoe.exe on 7 August 2005.
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