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Crack Offline Diablo 3 Collector Edition
Did you know that Diablo 3 Collector Edition is now available for download? For those of you who are still playing the game, this is a great time to get your hands on the collectors’ edition so that you can start saving up your in-game gold or money to buy either Season 12’s bundle of new content or the upcoming Necromancer class. If you have never even entered Diablo before, now might be just the time to jump in. Diablo 3 Collector Edition has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, and it's looking like that number will continue to grow with this latest release. That’s right, it's now available for download - and the folks at Blizzard made sure you can get your hands on all of the awesome included in this edition of Diablo 3.What is this awesome collector’s edition, you ask? Here are some of its features:
- A cool carded figure of Tyrael, the archangel who serves as the Lord of Justice in Sanctuary. - The Season Pass gives access to four upcoming expansion packs that will introduce four new playable classes, each with its own distinct gameplay style. Players can choose from four different class options when they purchase Season Pass content, meaning there are now eight total playable classes in Diablo 3.
- The Season 12 Content Bundle includes four new playable classes: Demon Hunters, Wizards, Monks and Necromancers. Each class features a unique gameplay style. - Some of the Diablo 3 legendaries have been adjusted to be more useful in Diablo 3 vs. Diablo II, such as the Blessed Hammer (now a one-handed hammer) and Lucien (now a two-handed sword).
- A new class: The Necromancer, who can raise the dead for his own use or help other players resurrect their fallen comrades. The Necromancer will be able to revive multiple minions at once or save potential companions for later use.
- The Mystic lets players customize their in-game items with gems that boost character stats. Gems can be combined to create even greater effects.
- A stash tab to hold an additional 19 armor pieces, plus space for crafting materials and pets. The stash is shared across all characters on your Battle.net account.
- The Collector’s Edition features a Diablo-themed chess set that comes with backstory about the Deck of Souls, the artifact that led the Nephalem into the labyrinth beneath Tristram in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. The Collector's Edition also includes three exclusive banner sigs, only available in this edition, which players can use to show off their heroes' accomplishments.
- The Collector's Edition includes a hardcover Diablo III Art of War book.
- The Collector's Edition comes with a behind-the-scenes DVD that has featurettes on the characters, places and monsters of Diablo III along with interviews with the game's artists and designers. The DVD also features videos of some of the game's intro cinematic animations.
Some players have reported that some games are not installed properly when downloading from Blizzard launcher. This has been reported by players running Windows 7, 8 & 10 on their PC. Other PC users have reported that they are running Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8, until recently Mac OS X 10.
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