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Renault Dialogys V4.8 Multilanguage.torrent
Renault Dialogys v4.8 Multilanguage.torrent1,37 GB Dropbox / Mediafire / MegaUploadhttps://mega.!1LYLUBTK!5s8c_hWUTnsNu3VOCWG5MRjFiH4gU6dnL7nMwFJi-FIRenault Dialogys v4.8 Multilanguage.torrent is an 1137 GB torrent of the latest modeling software for Renault automobiles for Windows, Mac OS & Linux. Includes all model years 2008 onwards and all models available worldwide (except Twingo II 2008 onwards, Clio 2009 onwards, Grand Modus 2009 onwards etc.). This release includes updates to the exterior 3D models on the 2012+ Renault Master, Safrane and Laguna III plus associated trim levels (e. g. Renault Laguna III Grandtour, Laguna III Initiale etc.). Updated exterior models were also added to the 2000-2003 Renault Safrane and Laguna II models.The software package is a direct download of the latest modeling software for Renault automobiles. As a result of the large size of the .torrent files, they have been split up across multiple parts with a maximum compressed size of 4GB per part. The full collection links are as follows:
These torrents were uploaded on two separate occasions in May 2010 by 226-7days-a-year@aol. com and were verified by two separate non-affiliated individuals through checksum verification and other methods before release. They were then seeded widely to ensure that full coverage was achieved.The collection was removed from MegaUpload and other torrent index websites after multiple DMCA notices were received for copyright infringement. The software package was never hosted on any sites affiliated with Renault or DaimlerChrysler [1] [2] . There is no evidence that Renault, DaimlerChrysler or any related companies had any prior knowledge of the uploading of this torrent at any time before it was removed from public websites. The software package was removed from Alltorrent after multiple DMCA notices were received for copyright infringement. It was later re-uploaded to The Pirate Bay and other sites belonging to the founders of the site.[3] The software package was never hosted on any sites affiliated with Renault or DaimlerChrysler.
Renault Dialogys v4.8 Multilanguage.torrent is an 1137 GB torrent of the latest modeling software for Renault automobiles for Windows, Mac OS & Linux. Includes all model years 2008 onwards and all models available worldwide (except Twingo II 2008 onwards, Clio 2009 onwards, Grand Modus 2009 onwards etc.).
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