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Chapter 5: Writing Your Blog Post's Body TextOnce you've established what your blog post will be about, it's time to start writing. If you're working on a basic post, then it will probably look something like the following:
I am looking at a new color scheme for my website and one of the options is to use chrome and red-- where do I get this color scheme?
If this blog is about something interesting, then don't be afraid of using too much text. The more text will attract more readers. Just remember to use proper punctuation and capital letters.
Chapter 6: Writing Your Blog Post's Headings and Sub-HeadingsAll of the paragraphs in your blog post must have specific headings. These headings must be used to indicate various levels of importance for each paragraph.
This must be used when introducing your main topic.
This is used for sub-headings. This heading is usually in italics.
You can even use bold font in some cases. When you are writing the body of your blog post, you need to identify the importance of each paragraph by using headings and sub-headings.
Chapter 7: Writing Your Blog Post's FooterWhenever you are writing text online, it's recommended that you write a footer with your name, copyright ownership information, and even an email address for inquiries. It would be very difficult to produce good content for your readers if you had no contact information.
Chapter 8: Customizing Your Blog Post with Images, Videos, and HTML TagsRemember to use proper HTML for your blog posts. Keep the content simple, but it's still important to use some of the special elements of HTML. This is how you can customize your blog post with images, videos, and other HTML tags:
Click Here to see the image in full
Chapter 9: Setting Up Contact Information in Your Blog PostEvery blog post must have contact information, like email address for person inquiring about your blog post, phone numbers, and how to contact you via social media.
What is the best way to contact you?You can send me an email at joshua.jones@example.
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