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All the links in the article are cited.This article talks about how to keep students engaged during class. It discusses popular websites that offer free learning resources for students, including Khan Academy, Skillshare, and TED-Ed. It also includes some helpful tips on how to make lectures more interactive by using visuals and engaging teaching styles. This is an informative blog post with citations included to allow readers to verify its content. _____The author claims that "There is no excuse for you not to master a new skill" because everyone has access to all the resources necessary online today. To support this claim, he introduces two learning websites that are targeted towards grades 4-8. He also mentions that grade school teachers can benefit from watching videos on TED-Ed because they would be able to find interesting topics to teach their classes about. The author provides three strategies on how students can make the most of online resources; these strategies include, use the website as a reference, use them for homework or rather do some googling of your own and come up with your own results, and lastly use different video courses for different purposes (ex: some might be easier than others). By sharing this information, I am providing readers with more tools that they can use to study more efficiently. I am giving them the opportunity to learn about new resources that will help them in preparing for a test or a tournament.The purpose of this blog post is to let readers know that, although it is an important topic, some applications of technology can negatively impact student interest in school. The author gives specific reasons why his students were disengaged from learning and how he has been able to get their attention back by using various ways of teaching. He also discusses the importance of using more hands-on activities to engage students more. He explains how he gives his students different projects to do. For example, during one of his classes, he gave the students an assignment to create a media center for their classroom. He had them create posters of what they would like their room to look like and draw pictures of what structure they would need in the classroom. This got his students' attention because they were given a real challenge that required them to work together with each other.

All the links in the article are cited.This blog post compares two ways of learning dance, e-learning and physical classes. The author explains how each way has its advantages and disadvantages. However, he admits that neither method of learning dancing is more effective than the other. He explains that both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but by using both of them at the same time, students might get a more comprehensive experience from learning dance. He also provides two pictures of a dancer in a physical class and a dancer in an e-learning class for readers to help keep it interesting throughout the blog post. There are many resources on the Internet that can be used by teachers to increase student engagement during class. This post discusses how teachers can use these resources to increase student engagement during class by using various online resources such as TED-Ed and Skillshare.


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