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(1) Download the file from the link below and extract it to a location of your choice. (2) Start the "ConfigTool" application from the menu of your start-menu folder or task bar. (3) Select "File" -> "Open project folder" -> browse to the location where you extracted the contents of this package, then select "
Simatic WebService is a free web interface that consist of a set of HTTP REST APIs for Siemens Simatic industrial software. It allows users to configure and query the functional properties just in a few clicks through a well-structured user interface, instead of using the command line interface in order to reduce the number of mistakes in field programming. The REST APIs can be used by external applications, for example to retrieve data for building user interfaces or to play back all the change requests. The WebService supports both GET and POST requests. It is based on REST principles structured around resources, so it is easily accessible by every person familiar with the web.
Downloads of Simatic IS WebService are available from https://www2.siemens. com/automation/en/products/simatic-industrial-software/overview/?bbm_campaign=siemens-software&cmpg_campaign=PIM&country=US&lang=en&pid=5390021.For more information see
The SIMATIC ET 200SP is a single-channel HART modem for use in monitoring and controlling applications, e.g., in process automation, energy management or telemetry.
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