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(no text)5. Philosophy of the Self 6. Philosophy of Emotion 7. Philosophy of Morality 8. Philosophy of Religion 9. Philosophical Perspectives on Art, Architecture and Film
10. Ethics in Public Policy: Ethical Dilemmas in Policy Decisions from the Field from a Policy Practitioner's Perspective (Philosophy and Social Theory) by John Alderfer 11. The Birth Gap: How American Democracy Changed When Women Started Having Babies by Jonathan Chait 12. Death and the Afterlife: Introductory Readings by John F. X. Knasas 13. Being and Truth: The Metaphysics of Truth and Predication (Studies in Continental Thought) by George Russ14. Jainism: The World of Conquerors (Religions of the Past) by Jyoti Bhusan Das 15. The Philosophy and Religion of Deng Xiaoping: Selected Writings (Asian Wisdom) by Roger R. Thompson 16. Buddhism for Beginners by Mike Magee 17. The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters by Tom Nichols 18. From the "Beijing Review": Recent Chinese Philosophy 19. Non-Duality in Sufi Philosophy 20. An Introduction to Ancient Indian Religious Thought (Religion in Focus) by Robert J. Zydenbos 21. Buddhism: The Path to Freedom (Religion in Focus) by Robert J. Zydenbos 22. Naturalism and the Emergent Mind (Studies in Continental Thought) by George Russ23. Persons, Persons, Persons (Philosophy of Law) by Nancy M. Rose 24. Born Again: The Evangelical Assault on Medical Ethics by Richard McCormick
25. Lectures on Frege's Thought in Focus 26. Conversations with Wittgenstein by Rúhí Yukio Tokumaru 27. Buddhism: A Concise Introduction by Lawrence J. Cohen 28. Crimes Against Logic: Exposing the Bogus Arguments of Politicians, Priests, Journalists, and Other Serial Offenders (Philosophy) by Jamie Whyte 29. The History of Philosophy (The Great Courses) by Robert C. Solomon 30. Buddhist Classics (Great Books of the East) by Max Müller
31. The Structure Of Mind (The Great Courses) by John R. Anderson
32. Belief and Will (The Great Courses) by John R. Anderson
33. Fundamental Concepts in Temporal Reasoning (The Great Courses) by John R. Anderson
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