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Belajar Dan Pembelajaran Dimyati Dan Mujiono Pdf 15
Forget overpriced schools, long days in a crowded classroom, and pitifully poor results. These websites and apps cover myriads of science, art, and technology topics. They will teach you practically anything, from making hummus to building apps in node.js, most of them for free. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to master a new skill or expand your knowledge with these resources. More and more people around the world, especially those in developing countries (and even some parts of developed countries), are getting access to computer and the Internet via mobile phones. Consequently, people are experiencing more and more opportunities of using their mobile devices as a learning tool. Thus, we can see computer skills as a necessity for many people nowadays.Lack of proper education (especially at school) not only has negative effects on students but also on the country as a whole. Therefore, it is important to educate students at home or at school about computers and its applications. With proper guidance from parents or teachers, students are capable of easily learning how to use computers through the use of various websites or applications. The following websites and applications can be used as educational resources for people who want to learn computer skills.
MIT Scratch is the official programming site by MIT. It lets you create interactive stories, games, and animations without having to write a single line of code. You just use different types of commands that work together to create your artworks or stories. You can save your projects on Scratch servers, where other people can view them.Scratch is one of the most popular programming websites by far. There are many examples showing how simple it is for children to build amazing animated scenes using the tens of commands available on it. It is also an excellent way for people to get started with programming. The website is available in 6 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Korean.Scratch Jr. is another programming site by MIT. This site has special blocks called "Code-a-Pillar" that teaches children the basics of computer programming while they are having fun building their own stories or interactive scenes. The site is currently available in English and Spanish only but other languages are expected to be added soon.As the companion to Scratch 2, Snap! Is a drag-and-drop visual programming environment designed for making media-rich projects on tablets made especially for the iPad. The site is available in English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German and Brazilian Portuguese.Snap! is one of the most popular programming websites by far. There are many examples showing how simple it is for children to build amazing animated scenes using the tens of commands 'saved in their personal account on this website. It is also an excellent way for people to get started with programming. The website is available in 6 different languages, including English, Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese and Korean.Codecademy is a free online coding site that teaches people how computers work by helping them design programs with their own words.
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