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Mai Tere Liye Duniya Chod Di Hai Mp3 69
You are Fabulous!Unfortunately, some people don't realize their inherent beauty. Some have low self-esteem, some are just content with being average, but no matter what your reason is for not being confident in your reflection every day, you should still know that it's possible to be happy with who you are.If you're someone who feels like they don't deserve to have the life they want because of how society has told them they need to look or act, this article will prove otherwise. It’s time for everyone out there to celebrate themselves and work towards the life they deserve. Life is beautiful, it's time to feel that way! The following are 31 reasons why you should be confident in yourself.1. You DRIVE ME CRAZY2. Until you open your eyes, I can’t believe how much this world has changed. - The Script3. It is no longer vanity, but knowledge.- Dr. Samuel Johnson4. You may become a confused shadows of the person you used to be.- Unknown Author 8 . Through the years you've touched me and made me who I am today -Hilary Duff 10 . Healthy self-esteem leads to healthy relationships.- Dr. Robert Lefkowitz, M.D. 11. Confidence is sexy12. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can ever carry.13. Don't let anyone take away your confidence, because once it's gone, it may be too late to get it back.- Unknown Author 15 . You've gotta love yourself if you want other people to love you. - Jada Pinkett Smith16. Confidence makes you look good; over-confidence makes you look better.- Unknown Author 18 . An object in the mirror may be closer than it appears. -Unknown Author 19 . The only disability in life is a bad attitude.- Scott Hamilton (Olympic Gold Medalist Figure Skater) 20 . Without confidence, you can't win. Without Robert Griffin III, the Redskins would be losing right now.- Joe Theismann (former NFL player)21. You will inevitably go through life with self confidence, or you will go through life with regret.- Unknown Author 22. Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.- Norman Vincent Peale (Pastor and Best-selling Author) 23 . Confidence is knowing I'm good enough no matter what other people think of me.- Lindsay Vonn (Olympic Gold Medalist Alpine Ski Racer) 24 . You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. You build a reputation on what you do.- John C. Maxwell in The Armor of Light 25 . "Don't quit when the going gets tough, I know it's hard to stay in when you're going good. That's when the magic happens when you rise above the doubts and fears that hold you back."- Unknown Author 26 . You can't control what other people think of you. If they don't like you, they won't be your friend, but it doesn't matter because all that matters is what YOU think of yourself.- Unknown Author 27 . The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.- Edmund Burke (Irish statesman) 28 . Don’t compare your life to others.
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