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How to Overcome Writer's BlockIf you’ve ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter. It can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination.That’s why we've put together this post all about how to overcome writer's block!
Writer’s Block: What causes it? When writing comes easily for some people but is difficult for others, they may believe there is something wrong with them which prevents them from reaching their potential as writers. The source of this misconception is the maddening feeling that you could write if you just had the right idea.However, writer's block is not actually a matter of lacking ideas or motivation. It's caused by an internal struggle between your critical and creative minds. For example, your creative mind will intuitively know exactly what to say and how to say it while your critical mind will constantly question whether or not what you’re writing has any value and will constantly interrupt your process by providing feedback and example scenarios about why it’s wrong.This tug of war between the two minds can be so frustrating that it makes writing impossible, which is where writer's block comes from. But if you understand how it actually works, you can recognize when it's trying to sabotage your work so that you can get back on track.
How to Overcome Writer's Block? Writer's block is never an accident. It happens because of a misunderstanding caused by our inner critic. The trick behind overcoming writer’s block is to stop the critical mind from chattering in your ear and distracting you from writing. Here are our five favorite tips for silencing the inner critic and getting back to writing:
1. Stop thinking about writing.If you can't think of what to write, then you're not focused on what you need to write. Prioritize your writing time to focus only on writing. You can even schedule entire days or whole weeks for this purpose, making sure to allow plenty of time for incidental tasks during the day to avoid burnout. If you are trying to stop yourself from thinking about schoolwork, make a conscious effort to think about writing without forcing your mind into the conversation with the inner critic.
2. Think about something else instead of your writing project.If you keep thinking about what needs to be written and how it needs to be written, you'll find yourself distracted and unable to focus on anything else. If you want to write, then think about writing. Don't talk to your critical mind while you’re thinking about writing.
3. Re-examine your approach to writing. Try taking approaches based on the 4 Ps of the writer’s block resolution: Plan, Procrastinate, Pontificate, and Procrastinate (Chapter 3 of this book). By doing so, you'll free up additional time for what needs to be written.
4. You can't rewrite the past. You can only start over if you know what needs to be written in the first place; otherwise, you'll spend too much time rereading old material and wasting time rewriting it (which is often impossible).
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