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-------------|| COMING SOON|| -------------I would recommend an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "home automation for dummies" . It was written by a user with username robertselec.It is about home automation's history, advantages, and disadvantages. I like the article because it has a lot of well-know facts in one place. What I liked the most were quotes from well-known people such as Bill Gates. The article is short enough for someone who does not have much time on their hands to read it in one day or so. The article is short enough that you can finish it without getting bored. It is informative and easy to understand. It doesn't have any complex sentences or paragraphs, so it's very easy to read and understand while at the same time being accurate and informative.The things I would like to point out:- The author of the article says: "I start this piece with a little history of home automation so we know what we're talking about." He goes on to explain just how far back in time this technology started. - "Home Automation was also known as 'Handy control', 'Home computer control' by its inventors." I think it is obvious that the author did some research on the subject. - The author always makes use of proper spelling and grammar. - "As the world moved toward the Internet we saw that we could control our homes and other objects remotely." This is a great statement and shows great knowledge of the technology. It is very informative and accurate. - I believe that "home automation" has an old-school image to it, which is not bad at all. However, it should be mentioned somewhere in the article, because you never know how an article might get read by people who do not know anything about home automation at all.- I like the author's writing style, overall everything he writes about shows knowledge and professionalism.
http://www.google.co. uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=software+automation+and+home+automation&source=web&cd=12&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAutomation_article &ei=5cwXVbI-I6h4tgvjK5AIwDA&usg=AFQjCNH72d1W800Nr55e3X-WDqnwzkz7Q http://www.wired. com/wiredscience/2010/04/gates-on-home-automation-i.php
http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/education-2.html http://www.homesecuritymagazine.com/articles_news_features_news_feeds_rss.aspx?id=6&term=&src=rss
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