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HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable)
HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) is a freeware utility that was designed to quickly and reliably diagnose and recover from logical bad sector problems. It not only analyzes the hard drive logically, but it also performs surface scans and provides a preview of the possible problems. This program can fix many bad sectors problems without user intervention by writing what it finds to be good sectors. HDD Regenerator can also erase all data on a hard drive or reformat the drive without affecting data on the disk.HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) is an excellent choice for any computer user looking for quick and reliable protection against bad sector-related hardware failures. This program offers the most comprehensive solution for fixing bad sectors problems.Anyone looking for a solution to find and fix logical bad sectors on Windows-based computers should consider choosing HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable).HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) is compatible with all hard drives, including IDE, SCSI, SATA, USB flash drives and other devices that use the ATA/100 / 141 / 142 / 1.0 / 1.1 standard. However it will not work with newer solid state drives (SSD) because they lack access to the spindle motor used for physical media damage indication. Unlike other similar software, HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) does not use any 3rd-party DLLs or plug-ins, so it is compatible with all Windows operating systems. The program also has minimal system requirements. HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) is very easy to install, requiring no special hardware or additional software installations.The program supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7. The portable version itself can be installed on any location including "My Documents", removable drives and provided that the computer has access to the Windows Registry. Version 2 requires XP SP2+. HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) was designed primarily for personal use only. The program only works with the hard drive that is installed on the computer where it is executed.HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) is freeware, but it has some features disabled in the free version. Users can upgrade to Pro or Enterprise for $19.95 per license.
HDD Regenerator 2011 (Portable) fixes bad sectors by assigning them to specific locations of previously erased areas of the disk. It uses the ATA Secure Erase command to erase all of the data on a drive, but first it produces status reports on all of its activities and leaves no traces after erasure is complete. The program's advanced surface scan feature allows the user to search for bad sectors on a drive's surface without copying any data. The drive is scanned with a regular seek command and this is all the information that is passed to the hard drive. This method of seeking is fast and allows the user to perform an analysis of the entire surface of a hard disk, so it can be used on large size drives. A regular surface scan reads all of the sectors available on a hard disk and then marks them as good or bad based on what was read. Any logical defects that are encountered during this process are usually repaired using specific reprogramming software such as EZ-FIX, Bad Disk Toolkit etc.
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