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Microsoft Common Language Runtime Version 40303190
In the world of software, it has been a constant race to keep up with the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence. But what a lot of people don't know is that one company is in the lead when it comes to A.I.: Microsoft Corporation. With the recent release of the new version of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), it has become very clear that Microsoft is ready to take on Artificial Intelligence head on. This week, Microsoft has announced that version 40303190 of the CLR is now available."This is a significant milestone for us because it's another step forward in making our languages more powerful, enabling widespread adoption of .NET languages for building truly intelligent applications," said Kevin Gallo, corporate vice president at Microsoft. "As we continue our mission to make .NET an open platform for developers, reaching this major milestone is a reflection of the tremendous support from our thousands of community members."Microsoft's mission to make . NET an open platform for developers has made the CLR quite popular, but what is it that Microsoft is making? The CLR ensures that developers can build intelligent apps on any platform, regardless of their choice. With this new release, Microsoft has made the runtime part of the .NET Framework 4.7.1. Essentially, this means that all .NET languages will now be able to use the entirety of the runtime - meaning they can now benefit from everything it has to offer."The CLR provides a common infrastructure across all .NET languages and tools, out-of-the-box," explained Jeff Fritz, senior product manager on the Common Language Runtime at Microsoft. "New runtime features in the latest version include improved performance, faster startup, reduced footprint, advanced debugging and profiling tools, expanded JSON support and many language-specific features."Microsoft's new version of the CLR has several features that are sure to change the face of Artificial Intelligence. This includes expanding JSON support for its numerous .NET languages. The new version also includes an Advanced Debugging Tool, which is designed to improve developer productivity when it comes to debugging applications. It can also help with finding bugs earlier in the development process with its improved memory analysis tools. To top it off, diagnostics have been enhanced for Managed Code Analysis just in time for building large managed code apps that require optimization and performance tuning. "The CLR provides an incredible foundation for building truly intelligent applications," said Maarten Hagoort, who is a principal architect of the ASP.NET Platform at Microsoft Corporation. "The new release is a great example of our commitment to A.I., and we look forward to seeing what the community creates with it." For more information on this new release, visit previous versions of the CLR, languages such as Python and Java were able to call into the .NET Runtime via its reflection API. In this latest version, Microsoft has added a new mechanism for accessing APIs in the runtime called Reflection Assemblies (Asm).
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