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1. Source: Source: edoc2.pdfThe government is regulating the provider of medical facilities in India, that will ensure good facilities to the consumers of healthcare services. The Medical Council of India (MCI) is responsible for ensuring quality and equitable healthcare across all sections of society by conducting entrance examinations, setting standards for undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and registration of doctors. In addition, Medical Council Of India also regulates the practice of modern medicine as well as traditional systems such as Ayurveda, Yoga and Unani etc., Allopathic system being modern medicine is called the Allopathy system. The term allopathy was coined by a physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann who founded homoeopathy(1796). Allopathy is based on the basic premise that the body's own natural healing powers can be used to treat disease under certain circumstances. Allopathic medicine has had, and continues to have, an enormous impact on India's socio-economic development. This is because it has helped to eradicate epidemics of endemic diseases such as cholera, plague and tuberculosis, while at the same time reducing death rates due to infectious diseases by controlling their spread through vaccination programmes. It also helps in medical treatment of various other ailments including diabetes, hypertension, asthma and even rheumatic fever. The mandatory education for Medical practitioners in India is:-1st 2 years of undergraduate training in a medical college, then one year of internship in a hospital, followed by 2 years of registration with the MCI. Before being licensed to practice medicine, an individual must pass all parts of the licensing examination conducted by the National Board of Examinations. This exam is an objective multiple-choice test that evaluates all major academic disciplines taught in medical schools throughout India. Each faculty member at a medical school is expected to be board certified before he or she can enroll students in clinical clerkships. After receiving this license, all doctors are required to register only with the state medical council in which they wish to practice medicine. The Council of Homoeopathy is the second largest homoeopathic medical body in the world, with about five million members serving in 6,000 institutions throughout India. It was formed in May 2005 after 13 years of negotiations between the Central Council of Homoeopathy (India) and the Government of India. The government took over the Council following allegations that its president wanted to sideline homoeopathy and bring allopathic medicine under his control.
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