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Full Hanuman Chalisa Mp3 Download Gulshan 281
The Hanuman Chalisa, the most beautiful and the oldest form of prayer in existence is recited as a personal prayer or as a group for those who have gathered together to please Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman is considered as one of the most beloved Devotees of Bhagwan Ram.
He was born on earth and he can help us in different ways throughout our life. He is an important character in Hinduism and the worshipers consider him as their ideal son, protector and companion during all times. The best way to please him is by singing his name 24 hours daily with devotion and love; this can achieve worship by chanting his holy name repeatedly for at least 12 minutes everyday without any break. The Hanuman Chali is the most famous and the most recited prayer in Western India. Hanuman was born on earth to fulfill a boon given by Lord Brahma to Goddess Anjani that she will have a son with the strength of thousand elephants. He was born in a cave near Nag gadh, close to Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Many years later when Lord Ram came to search for his wife Sita who had been abducted by Ravana, he encountered Hanuman in various ways which helped him in many ways. Thus Lord Hanuman is also referred as Ek Bahu or "one with gigantic" or "one with tremendous strength". People all over the world are praying to Lord Hanuman. He is the favorite deity of the people of India irrespective of caste, religion, ethnic group or social status. There are various temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman in various parts of India and in some other countries. Hence it is important that people must pray daily to Lord Hanuman with love and devotion. Singing his name too is considered as a worship by the devotees. One may have heard that this prayer was recited for thousands of years before it was written by Sage Valmiki in Sanskrit language with beautiful tunes. The Hanuman Chalisa is a timeless prayer. Those who recite it daily will get the divine blessings of Lord Hanuman and they will be bestowed with peace, happiness, health, prosperity and power to face the difficult times of their lives. The word "CHALISA" means a string or a garland made up of some sort of flowers or beads strung together. Hence the Hanuman Chalisa has 84 beads in all, each bead corresponding to one verse of this prayer. The recitation should be started with chanting the first stanza i.e., "Om" three times followed by three rounds of chanting prayers for Lord Ram. By chanting the name of Lord Ram before reciting Hanuman Chalisa, helps gain the auspicious blessings of Lord Ram which will help to gain Lord Hanuman's blessings at the same time. The Hanuman Chalisa is divided into three parts or stanzas i.e., The Mool Mantar (first) which praises him; then there are 6 verses that praise his virtues; and lastly 7 verses that pray to him. The central point in this prayer is to praise Hanuman, this is considered as the central point in all prayers. Even if one cannot recite all 84 stanzas or does not understand it it is sufficient to recite the first three stanzas with devotion and love.
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