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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Nude Mod
It was an early October release day and the excitement within the gaming community was at fever pitch. Players had been waiting for months, maybe even years, for this release. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a multi-player military shooter and is available on most major gaming platforms, such as PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The highly anticipated sequel would leave us with a new Star Wars story with its own twists and turns to be excited about. But when the game was released a few hours ago something happened... the game crashed to the desktop. As the afternoon wore on, there were reports of multiple players experiencing problems with the game. One of them was Genevieve Bell who works in IT security and blogs at http://thegoblinwitch.com . She commented on her Twitter page: "This is incredibly disappointing. I'll state plainly that I'm not a professional modder nor have I built anything like this before - just a person who has modded for games for over 15 years." Others began posting similar comments, including The Modding Guy , Paul Kuczynski aka @TheModGuyPH , The Modding Captain , ShadowDarkScorpio , DarkraiZXScorpios , Banned Gamer PH and Deyniel . Teams of developers began collaborating to fix the issue, but no luck. Some people reported that the nude mod caused the game to crash, while others said it worked perfectly fine. Twitter user @Finsternis_m04 posted wearing only their helmet, while another user @the_jamesjr posted a full nude pic of their character wielding a gun. Meanwhile, other Twitter users are reporting that they are getting different results when trying out the hack. Some reported it worked for them, while others said it didn't work at all... The issue has not been resolved as of time of this article.
And here you have the whole story again.. (Source: http://thegoblinwitch.com )
The hacker stated in the video that this is not the official nude mod, but rather an unfinished private beta which was leaked to the public. He said his group worked on it for almost two weeks before sending it to EA for review. According to his timeline (below), he was copying files with permission from EA when suddenly he gets called by EA and suddenly denied permission to do so. After he decided to release it in an unfinished form, they sent him a message saying that they're working on patching the game in order for the hack to work properly, so please wait more time. He immediately sent the message out to the public, which was when all the news blew up. He also added that the nude mod works on every platform (PS4, Xbox One and PC) except for PlayStation 4 Pro. The hacker group stated in their video that they made the nude mod simply because they wanted to "create something cool" and for fun. However, he states that it's an open beta test, so there's no guarantee that there won't be bugs or malfunctions. Although people really want to see more of the game since they don't want to wait for EA 's official release of it next month, ultimately that decision is up to you.
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