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Estructuras De Concreto Jorge Segura Pdf Download
If you're interested in building your own home, but don't know where to start, you're in luck! We have put together this simple guide to help get your feet wet. It's quick and easy, and will provide you with the information needed to get started.#1- What is the difference between concrete blocks and concrete slabs?#2- How do I build a concrete slab?#3- Which are more cost-effective: poured or casted slabs?
This article also includes concise information about different types of foundations, including how they work and what to look out for before purchasing. So, if you're interested in learning more about designing and building your own home, keep reading for this simple guide.
There are many different ways to design and build a house: frame-and-sticks, frame-and-concrete and concrete-on-the-ground. The most popular method of house construction is concrete on the ground – or slab – construction. The other two methods – frame and sticks and frame and concrete – will be discussed later in this article. But first...
The main advantage of slab construction is that it's quick. It can be built in a matter of weeks, compared to the months it might take to construct a framed building.The main disadvantage is that it's not very sturdy. If the concrete is not set correctly, there is a good chance that it will crack during construction. The slab will also restrict access around the yard or garden, making the house less attractive once complete. So, before deciding on this method of building, you should give some thought to your requirements for your new home. Be sure that you know what you are getting yourself into before setting out to build!
The main advantage of frame and sticks construction is that it's quite sturdy. When built properly , there are very few problems with cracks forming in the structure itself. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot longer to build than concrete slab construction.The main advantage of frame and concrete construction is that it's quite sturdy and will withstand loadings well. The disadvantage is that this method requires more highly-skilled builders and it costs more to hire them.
This guide will be most effective if you already have a rough idea of what you're building. Here we will discuss the most common types of buildings: bedrooms, bathrooms, extensions, garages and single- or multi-storey homes. If you don't know for sure what type you'll need, spend some time thinking about your plans before starting work on your new home.
Slab construction on its own is not enough to give your building real strength. If you are using this method of building, it's important that you know how to construct the walls, roof and floor correctly.
The walls of your house will probably be made out of concrete blocks. These are easy to build and very sturdy. They will hold up well under loadings brought by gale-force winds, heavy rains or strong earthquakes, which can happen anywhere in the world!
Your house's roof must resist water penetration by being waterproofed with a good sealant material. It should also be fire-resistant. This can be accomplished through careful choice of materials applied during construction.
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