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^ ASCII is used as a character set (character encoding standard) for text documents. The table shows which characters in the ASCII-based code map to Unicode.^ Unicode 4.0 defines a system of writing scripts known as Basic Multilingual Plane ("BMP", also called "Basic Latin"), and a system of character encodings called UTF-16. In Unicode 4.0, the BMP consists of 256 code points and UTF-16 covers 16 bits per character, or 65535 code points.
The following OpenType features are set in this font:These properties can be used with any font that supports OpenType layout tables:
If you want to embed an image into your document, it needs to be "lossless". As font formats can degrade image quality, you should not use any lossy compression algorithms such as jpegtran, gifsicle or pngquant on images embedded in documents. To embed a lossless image file "filename.png" into a document using Arial Unicode MS it will look like this:Some fonts might have different character substitutions without any warning.
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