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Pakistani Sobia Khan Hot Nanga Mujra On Stage Full Hd Video
You are in for a treat! Pakistani sobia khan is performing live at the nanga pakistan cultural center in lahore. The music video is amazing, with colorfull dancing and beautiful costumes. Enjoy the entertaining performance of this beautiful evening with your family or friends.
Pakistani sobia khan hot nanga mujra on stage full hd video show you how to do it right, without thinking about anything else! This is not one of those videos that you can tell what's happening or who's who because there's too much happening on the screen at once. Some of the good things that happen in this video include nanga mujra, pakistani sobia khan, and outdoor.
Nanga Mujra is a traditional Pakxish folk dance performed by a male and a female couple, who perform various acrobatic movements. The dance typically involves exuberant happiness and celebration prior to nuptials, marriage ceremonies or engagements. The term nangma also refers to an assembled crowd that dances to this genre of music during wedding ceremonies or engagements. Regular Pakistani men have been known to dance sensuous moves in the company of women because it shows respect for women as well as familiarity with women's body movements and figure language. Pakistani nangma videos themed on poetry, love and life. Nanga poetry can be seen as a medium for expressing emotions which is of particular importance if the message is to be transmitted between strangers. This traditional Pakistani nanga dance video of 2 couples is an excellent example of the feeling and emotion of true love and friendship.
An alternate meaning: Folk dance for family and friends, expressing support and friendship by dancing together, usually with only women present. It is usual for men to learn it as a way of expressing their interest in women; this dance pattern has become more popular in recent decades. It may include songs, although not all nangmas do.
There are three types of Nanga mujra:•Nanga-Mujra is the dance performed by the male partner, usually by himself or with two or more partners. The partner moves in a fixed pattern while the man does his own individual moves in counting out of sixteen. This is sometimes written xiña1 mujra (Ixña mujra) i.e., 16 movements of the man's body. This is also known elsewhere as "Traditional Mujra". •There is a second nanga-mujra danced by a pair of men and a woman. It means "Nanga-Muje" – the dance of three people – two men and a woman. In this version, the woman is not counted as part of the dance, although she does participate. The choreography is performed by both male dancers together as one man leads the other to follow his steps. This form of nangama is particularly popular in northern Pakistan, notably among Punjabi people.•The third version involves a group of men and women dancing together in a choreographed routine around a single man who leads them with hand gestures and foot movements, thus keeping them all on the same rhythm.
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