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Root explorer app download

2021.11.23 16:26


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Root Explorer Android latest APK Download and Install. Free Verifying root access (super user or su). Easy to check & secure your phone. Root Explorer apk allows you to Access the whole of android's file system including the secured ones. Root Explorer is a tool to easily manage all the files on. Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).

 · Root Explorer – File manager is the best file manager for rooted Android devices. With this root explorer you can Access complete android's file system including the elusive data folder. Following are some major features of root explorer Complete network access: Required for network and cloud access. No information is passed to us over the /10(3). Although Root Power Es Explorer works really well with Rooted android devices, it is also an Ultimate File Manager tool for non-Rooted phones. By default, It allows you to copy, move, rename, delete or share files to and from any of your storages like finder in Mac and Es Explorer in Windows.4/5(K). Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!). Features include multiple tabs, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox and network (SMB) support, SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, extract rar archives, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks /5(K).

Root Explorer is a tool to easily manage all the files on any Android device with root access. If your device does not have root access – and this is very important – you won't be able to use this app. Root Explorer users can do practically anything to any file or folder on their Android device: move, cut, copy, rename, unzip. Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!). Features include multiple tabs, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox and network (SMB) support, SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, extract rar archives, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks. Root Explorer è il file manager perfetto per gli utenti bltadwin.ruo a tutti i file system di Android (inclusa la cartella dati sfuggente!). Le caratteristiche includono le schede multiple, il supporto per Google Drive, Box, Dropbox e rete (SMB), visualizzatore del database SQLite, editor di testo, creazione ed estrazione di file zip o tar/gzip, estrazione di archivi rar, selezione multipla.