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DOWNLOAD [PDF] {EPUB} God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach

2021.11.27 13:38

God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach. Hak Joon Lee

God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach

ISBN: 9781481313155 | 288 pages | 8 Mb
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For decades, the multiple, interlocking forces of technological advances, neoliberal capitalism, and globalization have been transforming the very moral fabric and institutional underpinnings of global society. The effects of these challenges include soaring economic inequality, a widely experienced social fragmentation, and increasing disenchantment with liberal democracy and its social arrangements. This unraveling can be seen in the rise of illiberal democracy, a deepening ecological crisis, and failures of governance in coping with natural disasters and social tumults alike. In response to this crisis of democracy and eroding community, a growing number of people have been attracted to Saul D. Alinsky’s grassroots method of community organizing. God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach is written in this cultural milieu; it brings Alinsky’s community organizing into conversation with the biblical vision of of covenant. Hak Joon Lee argues that, theologically, covenant reflects the life of the triune God who eternally organizes Godself as the Father, Son, and Spirit, while politically, covenant captures the inherent passion for justice that underlies Jewish and Christian faith. At its heart is the attempt to structure a wholesome, close-knit community of love, justice, and power. He points out that not only is covenant instrumental in the formation of God’s people as a community, but the concept has also played an important role in the rise of modern Western ideas of democracy, constitutionalism, and human rights. To demonstrate the political plausibility of covenantal organizing, Lee incorporates four examples of covenantal organizing in different historical and social contexts: Exodus, Jesus, Puritans, and Martin Luther King Jr. Critically engaging with Saul Alinsky’s method, Lee seeks to highlight how the two different streams of political praxis—covenantal organizing and Alinsky’s community organizing—can complement each other to develop a more vigorous and effective method of faith-based community organizing. Finally, Lee explores the political and moral meanings and implications of his study for the current struggle against the neoliberal corporate oligarchy by presenting covenantal organizing as an alternative political philosophy and practice to secular liberal philosophy, postmodernism, identity politics, and communitarianism.

Recognizing Each Others Religious Legitimacy - Boston College
No other religious community has such an influence on Christian identity. Jews remain in "a covenant of eternal love" [John Paul II] with God. welcomed, but rather if churches should organize campaigns designed to attract Jews. Accuses the other approach of making explicit faith in Christ a requirement for salvation. God and Community Organizing von Hak Joon Lee | ISBN 978
By demonstrating how covenantal organising presents a more coherent and plausible social philosophy, this book offers an effective method  Covenantal theology (Catholic Church) - Wikipedia
Covenantal theology is a distinctive approach to Catholic biblical theology stemming from the These developments were organized by the scholastics into the doctrine of Hahn, S. (1998) A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Help · Learn to edit · Community portal · Recent changes · Upload file  Faith in Christianity - Wikipedia
In one sense, faith in Christianity is often discussed in terms of believing God's promises, It also includes a belief in the New Covenant. Such an understanding of faith can be integrated well with the moral influence theory of atonement. a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. HEBREWS 10:16 - Covenant Bible Study
weeks, Creating the Covenant, examines how the covenant community is created and This conversational approach is modeled for you in the weekly video episodes Yahwist's and Elohist's stories and organized them around God's three. God and Community Organizing - Baylor University Press
Alinsky's grassroots method of community organizing. God and Community Organizing: A Covenantal Approach is written in this cultural milieu; it brings Alinsky's  Assemblies of God (USA) Official Web Site | AG
The Assemblies of God was founded in 1914. Today there are nearly 13000 churches in the U.S. with over 3 million members and adherents. There are more 

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