Basic Salsa Lesson きほんのき
2021.11.25 10:46

木曜日のXAVEKOは、Yoko先生のサルサダンスレッスン ’きほんのき’ !
毎週木曜日 15:00~16:00 インストラクター 瀬戸洋子先生
Thursday XAVEKO, We have Yoko's Salsa Dance Lesson - the basics - .
This is a basic salsa class. You will learn the basics of salsa dance and practice to dance beautiful, cool and with fun!
Every Thursday From 15:00 to 16:00 Instructor: Yoko Seto Place: dance bar XAVEKO
If you are new to Latin dance, or have never danced before, you are welcomed! Of course you already enjoying salsa dance are also welcomed. Everybody join us!
Please contact XAVEKO to ask the details.