Download world for minecraft version 1.5.2
· K Downloads Updated Jul 4, Created . Try to survive on a world where everything is inside a Jar! Download. Welcome to Minecraft, A World where you can do anything. Protect yourself from the mobs at night, By building a house, making the strongest Armor or play with friends to make the adventure more exciting. Visit the Nether or even venture to the End. NOTE: Version is at , if you want an up to date Minecraft launcher, download TLauncher. · The author last updated it for version so I took the liberty and made the mod compatible with and beyond. Version and beyond, and any related source files, may only be distributed via linking to this thread, thank you.
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Join Planet Minecraft! We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. K Downloads Updated Jul 4, Created . Try to survive on a world where everything is inside a Jar! Download. Minecraft Download Free Windows. start in the ordinary world with the ability to create a portal in Middle-earth; start the game in Middle-earth, on a detailed recreated map from The Lord of the Rings; start a game in Middle-earth with randomly generated biomes and structures. Minecraft Download Pc.