Computer wont download latex files (this will download the file from CTAN). TeXSpell is a crude DOS program so it won't work with NT or its relatives) but it works well and it's better than having missspelllled wurds in yuor tex files. Or try 4spell, a win32 application. Here's another one: Gnu Aspell. After downloading the file "", double click on the file. The installer will open and then select "Install" and click "Next". Then click on "Install". · The procedure gives you step by step guide to download and install LaTex in Windows. Step 1: Install MiKTex: To run a LaTex text editor at first you will have to install and download the MikTex which is a free TeX distribution for Windows systems. The latest version of MiKTex can be found at MiKTex website bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 3 mins.
Install MiKTeX on Windows. To set up a basic TeX/LaTeX system, download and run the Basic MiKTeX Installer. MiKTeX has the ability to install missing packages automatically, i.e., this installer is suitable for computers connected to the Internet. Before you run the installer, you should check the prerequisites. (this will download the file from CTAN). TeXSpell is a crude DOS program so it won't work with NT or its relatives) but it works well and it's better than having missspelllled wurds in yuor tex files. Or try 4spell, a win32 application. Here's another one: Gnu Aspell. 7. Reupload File. Try uploading the file again or ask the other person to do it if you don't have it on your end. It is possible that the file is corrupted or wasn't uploaded fully. (this will download the file from CTAN). TeXSpell is a crude DOS program so it won't work with NT or its relatives) but it works well and it's better than having missspelllled wurds in yuor tex files. Or try 4spell, a win32 application. Here's another one: Gnu Aspell. Click on icon. Click on files. It will display all the files and folders in your notebook. Left click on the file you want to download, choose download and you are good to go. This procedure can also be applied to upload file/folder. For uploading folder, you would have to zip it first though. Share. Probably that's the reason your installation wont help. So here is what you have to do: My computer right click Properties Advanced System settings Environment Variables in system variables click on "Path" click edit (copy the address already in the path variables into a text document, in case things go wrong, you can put the old.