Ameba Ownd



2017.06.14 15:50


作曲 劉家昌

作詞 林煌坤

聽到那電話鈴聲 I hear the phone ring 

心兒跳個不停 My heart starts beating fast 

一半是興奮 一半是矛盾 Excited and uneasy 

恐怕不是你聲音 What if it's not your voice I'll hear? 

 按耐跳動的心情 Trying to keep calm 

慢慢把電話聽 I slowly pick up the phone 

那是你的聲音 It is your voice 

那是你的笑聲 It is your laugh 

你可知道我多高興 You don't know how happy I am 

你說你好想我 You say you miss me so much 

要來看我 You wish to see me 

我可以感覺到這一份真情 I can feel real love from you 

你給我這份情叫我感動 I'm moved by this love you give me 

我已經承認你是我愛人 Already I know, you are the one I accept as my love