Cant download app (error code:491)

2021.11.05 19:02

 · Error Code Fixer is a collection of troubleshooting guides with detailed descriptions on some of the most annoying and common store errors like: "Cant install app", "App could not be 6/10(1).  · Navigate to Apps All Apps and look for Google Play Services in the list of apps. Tap on Google Play Services or Google Play Store. On the next screen tap on Clear Data and confirm. In case you don’t see this option, tap on Storage or Manage Storage, and select Clear Data. Then update Google Play and try to download the app you wanted. This was enough for me(htc desire , android , custom build), but you might consider mix of this solution and others, if that's not gonna work in your bltadwin.rus: 2.

Search for the app you wish to purchase and download. Open the app's page up by clicking the title link. On the "install" or "purchase" button, right click and press "inspect element." Above the row that will be highlighted, you'll see several lines of code. Solution. One fix for this issue is to clear the cache data for Google Play Services and the Google Play Store. Go to Settings Apps or Application Manager. Scroll across to All and then down to the Google Play Store app. Open the app details and tap the Force stop button. Next tap on the Clear data button. Google Play store can't be uninstalled completed completely from your Android device. But disabling and reinstalling its latest version can resolve the Play Store crashing issue. For doing this, just follow the below guide. Step 1 - First of all, go to "Settings" and then move on to "Security". Then find "Device administration.

Go to Apps Scroll down to Direct TV app and open it Clear data and cache. Do the same for the Google Play Store Restart your phone Open Google Play Store, let it sync, and you should be able to download/update the app that was giving you error I cant download minecraft dungeons from microsoft store despite me having xbox game pass ultimate for pc. I have reinstalled windows, and done like a billion things to attempt to fix it. 0xCF3. If you're unable to install WhatsApp due to insufficient space on your phone, try to clear Google Play Store's cache and data: Go to your phone's Settings, then tap Apps notifications App info Google Play Store Storage CLEAR CACHE. Tap CLEAR DATA OK. Restart your phone, then try installing WhatsApp again.