Ameba Ownd




2021.12.21 09:57



 AN old Spiritualist, whose life, he declared, had been spirit guided in England and abroad, was invited to the circle. Silver Birch greeted him as "one who is not a stranger to the truths of the spirit, who has travelled the path and has reached a stage of awareness where much is being revealed.'"

 "It is a long road that you haye travelled, a road where the milestones marked many decisive stages," the guide continued, "but you know that you are guided by love that seeks to use you in the great plan. Now you can look back and see that even what appeared to be very dark shadows were essential elements in the great plan. It was only by following implicitly the promptings of the spirit that you could fulfil the role that you must play.

 "The task you are to perform before you lay down your physical body is a significant one. Much has been revealed to you, stage by stage. There is much more to be done; you have caught glimpses; the full light, the complete illumination, has not yet descended on you. This requires slow development and spiritual progress before it can be yours. Do you understand me?"

 "I do," came the reply.

 "You have asked yourself many times, 'What is the purpose of all this?' "

 "I feel that there is a purpose," the visitor replied. "I have not questioned the purpose. I am particularly anxious to see a light that will illumine the path a little further."

 The guide added: "You are an old soul. This is not the first time you have trod this path. Do you know that?"

 "I have had awareness of something in that respect," was the answer, "but it conflicts with certain other ideas that I have which I will not touch on at the moment."

 "I know about your conflict," Silver Birch told him. "That can easily be resolved. It is the conflict between this aspect of consciousness, which is functioning in your present existence, and the larger aspect which is part of your larger existence. In certain states, when you have withdrawn yourself from the world and, as the Bible says, you have been filled with the power of the spirit, your soul has come into its own, and have felt that touch with the larger self as it has clamoured for recognition, beating in on the senses of your body.

 "As to the purpose, it is the great purpose that activates and motivates all those who return from our world and who belong to those groups dedicated to the task of serving mankind. It is to cast the bread of knowledge upon the sea of ignoranceーthat is the purpose. To hold the light so that souls in darkness can see its rays, to indicate a haven and sanctuary for those who have lost their way, for the troubled in mind and spirit who seek peace. It is a great purpose which unites us all and makes us one. It is a purpose that is greater than all the differences of body, race, nationality or religion. You have your special part to play in this plan, and you have helped many."

 "I am very grateful to you for explaining the matter as you have," said the Spiritualist.

 "There are two problems that confront us," the guide con-tinued. "One is to awaken slumbering souls to the task they have to perform, the other is to hold in check those who are awakened, for they desire to rush when the power of the spirit must discipline itself according to the laws which make its flow possible. The Great Spirit is not in a hurry. The universe will not disappear; the laws will not change. Be patient and know that what has been revealed to you is an indication of what is still to be revealed to you, and have perfect faith that the love which guides you will not fail if you you are prepared to serve with a full heart."

 Here the visitor commented: "I am grateful for the wisdom that has guided me, for the noble souls who are my guides and beloved friends. I hope that that association between us will in no way be severed through any fault of my own."

 The Spiritualist had prepared for the sitting by framing three questions, the first being:

 "Man, I believe, is the highest work of Omnipotence, the Creator of the universe, and as such he, in his physical and or-ganic structure, is a microcosmic manifestation of the macro-cosm, each formed and functioning without differentiation. Yet what is it that determines and effects the apparent separate per-sonalities of individuals, the numberless types of countenances, expressions, emotions, tendencies, identifiable and recordable differences in each being, embracing degrees of intelligence, mannerisms, voice, aptitude, capacity, etc.?"

 "That is quite a question," said Silver Birch. “Do not confuse matter with spirit, or matter with mind. Man is a triune being obeying the natural laws of the universe. His body obeys the physical laws, his mind the mental laws, his spirit the spiritual laws, and all these work in concert with one another. Thus you have laws within laws within laws, sometimes seemingly con-tradictory, but not in reality, when you have the key which unlocks the riddle. Not only are there laws within laws, but each aspect of man's being mingles and merges with other aspects so that there is a constant interplay of the mental, spiritual and physical forces. There is no sharp dividing line between the three aspects of being. The body is obeying the physical law of heredity. The mind is the expression of the spirit as conditioned by the physical brain and the other physical senses. The expres-sion of spirit in matter is limited by the matter through which it can express itself. Thus there are infinite numbers of variations and permutations of expressions because the spirit is affecting the body and the body is affecting the spirit so far as its expression is concerned. Does that make it clear?"

 "To some extent it does," was the response. "That will help. me very much indeed. May I ask the second question? Since I believe that man is outborn from his source, the source of all life. are you able to help me to understand and know what are the stages, and their nature, in the transition of individual man from his origin to this lowest plane of matter, from which I assume that the soul, at the time of its separation from the physical body, ascends in progressive stages through the spheres to ultimate reunion with the Infinite? And, if this is so, can you tell me what are the stages and the nature of man's progression here-after?"

 "That, too, is quite a question," Silver Birch commented. "No, I cannot. I cannot express the whole of spiritual life in language which is restricted for its understanding to material events. There is no language capable of explaining fully the in-finity of spiritual life, but, very briefly, man is a spirit, though the Great Spirit is not a man.

 "The Great Spirit is the primal source of all existence; the Great Spirit is the cause, the supreme architect, the king of kings. Spirit is life and life is spirit. Man, as spirit, has always existed. Man, as individual spirit, starts his existence with earthly incarna-tion, so far as this plane of life is concerned. The purpose of matter is to provide the individual vehicle for spirit, and the reason for earthly existence is to help that individuality to un-fold. 

 "Death, which is birth into the spirit life, is the means by which the individuated spirit takes on the second stage of its pilgrimage, that is, to develop, quicken, unfold and to perfect all the innate qualities of spirit, so as to draw closer to the source of all being. Man, being spirit, is potentially perfect as the Great Spirit is perfect. But I do not think that reunion is achieved in the sense that man is absorbed into the Godhead, Rather do I assert that the processes of development and perfection are as infinite as the Great Spirit is."  

 "I follow that and I am grateful," said the visitor. "What you have said on the second question somewhat explains the third. Is reincarnation, as expounded by its propagandists, a fact in the operation of the fundamental law governing the destiny of the soul of the individual man? If not, are the individual characteristics and peculiarities in each human being accumulated inheritances from previous births in other states or planes anterior to this, in the course of his descent to earth and prior to transitory incarnation on this lowest plane, from which he ascends on an-

other or opposite path, his progression accelerated or retarded according to his experiences and accumulations in all stages of his being? I hope I have made that clear."

 "It is not easy to answer in a few sentences questions touching the profundity of existence," said the spirit guide. "First I must say that I am not clear as to what the propagandists of reincarna-tion say, but speaking for myself, and after all, I have no authority to speak for any other, I assert that reincarnation is a fact. I have no quarrel with those who disagree with me. I have seen in-dividuals who have previously incarnated into matter. It is done by those who have specific missions to perform, a voluntary act in order to redeem a pledge.  

 "What incarnates is another aspect of the same individuality, and I do not mean personality. If you visualise man as an in-dividual, who in his earthly life is like an iceberg in which you have one small portion manifesting and the larger portion not manifesting, then that is the end of one incarnation. In a suc-cessive incarnation, a portion of the submerged self will come into the world of matter, two different personalities, but one individual. And in spirit life, as progression takes place, it is part of the submerged self that comes to the surface all the time. Do not attempt to understand all that is in reincarnation, or judge it with the eyes of matter, but try to see it with the reason that comes from the knowledge of the spirit, and that answers the question."

 "It does indeed answer it,’" was the comment.

 A visitor from Pakistan, for many years a great admirer of Silver Birch, asked the guide these questions: "One frequently

hears of the necessity for some board of control to test and pass mediums for public demonstration. Such boards are liable to be a danger to free expression of beliefs. What is your opinion?"

 "I would think that this is a case when the remedy could be worse than the disease," replied the guide.

 "And who is going to examine the examiner?" exclaimed member of the circle.

 "My son, the spirit bloweth where it listeth," added Silver Birch. "No man can set aside the channels where the power of the spirit shall flow. The power of the spirit cannot be regi-mented; it cannot answer to dictation; it cannot be restricted; it cannot be confined to any instrument. Matter is the servant of spirit, it is not its master. Matter exists because of spirit, spirit does not exist because of matter. Matter is inferior; spirit is superior. Matter lives only because it is the reflection of spirit.

 "None can say where spirit shall flow. It will flow wherever there are conditions enabling it to reach its object. As usually it is directed by love, human love, and sometimes divine love, there is none in your world who can decide where it shall be made manifest. And if all the boards existed, the power of the spirit will still flow according to its nature and its desire. I do not say this to support what is undoubtedly true, that there are many public exhibitions of psychic power which are unworthy because they display what is a very immature result. But that is vastly dif-ferent from regimentation and control and dictatorship."

 When Silver Birch greeted the visitor at the beginning of the seance, he said: "I am very happy to have you here, my son, and I am not unfamiliar with you, or your little lady. Many times you have sent a request out to me and I have heard you. I would like you to know that your footsteps are being guided and that there is a long way for you to go. There are difficulties that have come your way, but they are not insuperable. Just as in the past difficulties which have loomed and seemed to be insuperable have vanished, so these others will vanish too. You have not yet reached your true sanctuary. I know your heart and de-sires, and they will be fulfilled. But you must be patient.

 "Do not be in a hurry. It is usual for us to find those who awaken to knowledge of spiritual realities, after waiting some time to do so, are eager to press forward. The Great Spirit is not in a hurry and eternal processes work themselves out according to immutable law. Try to bring yourself into the harmony and rhythm of spiritual law. You are, forgive me saying it, impetuous by nature. There is much for you to do. The desire to serve is implanted in your breast and you will serve, my son, but the time has not yet come for this to happen.

 "Keep your feet on the path. Let your heart sing with re-joicing that you have found the light. Know that this light will always lead you nearer to the centre of all light. You are for-tunate because truth has come to you in comparatively early days. Be thankful for it, nurture it, encourage it to stay with you always, for as it stays it will increase its influence, and your mind being made receptive, still greater truth will come to you."

 To another visitor Silver Birch gave this advice. "Worry and anxiety are not good companions for the soul. You have been safely brought to where you are; you will be safely carried all the rest of the way. You must always know that and it is a hard lesson to learn. You must be able to say: 'I am part of the Great Spirit, indestructible, imperturbable. I face all that life brings me from day to day knowing that I have the power to overcome everything. That is what you are here for, to learn that lesson. Face each day as a means of greater opportunity for unfoldment. The problems will always come and they will go. They tarry for a while, that is all. Love will help you to put them in their proper place."

 Lastly the guide addressed another visitor whose father has passed on and who has attached himself to Silver Birch's band of helpers: "It has not been easy to keep your father back all this time. I wish you had the eyes of the spirit. I, who it is said have some mastery in your language, feel its inadequacy when I try to tell you of the love that streams from him. I am conscious of the inability of words which, after all, are very poor symbols, to express the reality that exists where words cannot explain.

 "It is not always so that this great love exists. There is love between those whom the ties of blood have brought into close relationship. Sometimes it reaches greater heights and greater depths. This is so in your case. It was not spoken of in your world, but in ours it is expressed in the very nature of all that emanates from us. You cannot see it and you cannot feel it, except perhaps a pale glimmer, yet it is there all the time, a force vital in intensity, a compelling dynamic force that is as real as life itself, for love is life. Life was built, life exists because of love.

 "I say all this to try and convey what comes from your father. It is as if his soul were entwined in your own, for to him you are he and he is you. That is how he visualises you all the time. If you have fears at any time they would be foolish because there is nothing to fear whilst there is such love. If you, by virtue of your human weakness, stray sometimes from the path, as all humans must do, it is because you cannot realise that intensity of love that would keep you always there, where you should be. I do not hurt you by saying that. I understand earthly things very well."

 "I understand you," said the son. "I know exactly what you are trying to tell me."

 "The Great Spirit is love and love is the Great Spirit," went on the guide. "What your father expresses is something that is truly divine. It is his life that is poured out upon you. You may have problems; people in your world must have problems; that is why they are in your world. But there is nothing so big that this love cannot overcome. Son, go forward and know that this power that guides you is the power that gave you life, it cannot fail you. Beside that all other messages fall into insigni-ficance. IfI have conveyed that then your heart should be singing and your step should be light, for you would know that you are richly blessed."