Ebook {Epub PDF} Date with the Dead by Chris Myers
Chris Myers's Projects Date with the Dead (Ripsters Book 1) Sixteen-year-old Jolie Livingston's closest and only friend Drew is this really hot dead guy, and it. Dead and Missing by Chris Myers (Book #2: Ripsters Series) Source: ARC from author Rating: 5 HUGE stars Every once in a great while I am well and truly surprised by a book and am glad to know that I can still be so. I knew, without doubt, I would like Dead and Missing but I was in no way prepared for its pure awesomeness!! Dead and Missing is the sophomore of Chris Myer’s Ripsters series and /5. · Date with the Dead is an action-packed mystery filled with romance, edgy suspense, and delightful characters. The main character Jolie has a great, updated teen voice. When she moves from New Orleans to Plymouth, MA, a place teeming with the dead, she starts a business called Ripsters to eradicate pesky spirits and make enough cash to help her mom pay for the mortgage that's in arrears/5(48).
AMC Fear Fest This year's Fear Fest event will start on October 1 and run for the duration of the month. Each day AMC will feature many horror classics, with the first three days dedicated. Halloween Ends Will Begin with a 4-Year Time Jump. Halloween Kills sequel, Halloween Ends, will bring The Shape and Laurie Strode into a contemporary timeline by jumping forward four years. Laurie Strode (born Cynthia Myers in the and H20 timelines and Angel Myers in the remake timeline) is the main protagonist of the Halloween franchise. She appears as the main protagonist of Halloween (), Halloween H 20 Years Later, Halloween (), the Rob Zombie remakes Halloween () and Halloween II (), the deuteragonist of Halloween II (), a posthumous character in.
Welcome to my stop on the Date with the Dead blog tour! Check out the rest of the tour HERE Date with the Dead by Chris Myers ebook, pages Published June 16th by Books on the Edge Age Group: YA Source: ecopy from Author Series: RIipsters #1 Summary: Sixteen-year-old Jolie Livingston’s closest and only Read more». Chris Myers. likes. Date with the Dead. Chris Myers spends most of her free time writing and dreaming up new characters who fight each other for page time. She is an award-winning author of three published novels: LENNON'S JINX, first in a New Adult romance trilogy, and DATE WITH THE DEAD and DEAD AND MISSING, first two in a YA paranormal mystery series.