APU Beppaper


2017.07.05 06:10






Hello, everyone! Did you enjoy typhoon school cancel? I enjoyed a lot. lol

Today’s topic is handsome and beauty! We gonna introduce you Japanese handsome and beauty from Thailand! Please check it~:)



So the handsome is APS 2nd grade, ASAi kun!


Sooo sweet smile isn’tit?




At first when we requested him for interview, he was so shy.

But he was willing to be interviewed. Thank you so much!!

He belongs to GASS and よっしゃ虎威. As you know these teams are kinds of the biggest association in APU. He is so talented we think :) In the よっしゃ he is in charge of managing all costumes.

“ I started dancing after entering APU so sometimes my skill is not sufficient. But I try getting better.”

He showed us the passion for dance and told us his goal that leading よっしゃ to NIPPON DOMANNAKA MATHURI, the biggest よさこい festival in Japan.




When we asked him about any other goal, he said “Going abroad!”. This is because he experienced culture shock when he went to Vietnam for short study trip in last spring vacation. It impressed him what difference each country has. That experience brought him a new point of view. So, he wants to try again.



By the way, He has   NO GIRL FRIEND!


Yes he doesn’t have. We wonder why…?:(


そのあとちょろっと男子編集員と雑談をしているうちに「USEDコンバースをはいている女の子は良い」という結論がでていました。笑 浅井君と仲良くなりたい女子のみんな!参考にしてね☆

His preference is “ A girl who has the same feeling about music and clothes with him”

(later when we just chatted, he said “ A girl wearing USED converse might hit me right in my heart” Lol You can refer it! Lol)




The concert will be held! On the 21st July, the concert will be held by よっしゃ虎威, エイサー and so on at Millennium Hall. Feel free to come and enjoy their dance!

では次は今月のイケジョ!タイから来たAPS3回生のROONGANACHAI RATIMA(ロンガナンチャイ ラティマ)ちゃんです:) ニックネームはラティ!

So for the next! She is ROONGANACHAI RATIMA(we called her “Rati”)




She came here, because she can study Japanese at the same time with her academic interest, but “Kanji is so difficult!!” She said. I completely agree with her. Even I am Japanese I do not understand whole of KANJI….

Now she baito at Ramen restaurant to improve her Japanese. In the restaurant, she doesn’t have many APU co-workers but there are a lot of student from another university. So sometimes she has some communication and culture trouble between them. I think it is perhaps difficult for international students to understand whole Japanese culture. Anyway, her challenge is definitely respectable!

She is now in charge of stage director for Thai week grand show! The week is coming next week. It will be nice! :)




And now she has NO BOY FRIEND.



  ですが、They are so shy と言われました。笑


We were really surprised, but she said “I cannot find a guy much with me”

Although we assumed she prefers the guy from Thailand, but actually not! She said she likes Japanese men! However! Even though! She also said “Japanese is too shy.” lol

She likes Hukushi Souta, a Japanese actor. If you approach her positively, you would be….?! Try!



This is all of Handsome and Beauty in this month!

Please take a look our issue for next week ~~:) !